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Послуги: По установці і організації бездротових мереж
Company information
Asgard is a Ukrainian company that has developed the technology of network interaction based on ORINOCO wireless equipment manufacturing company Lucent Technologies (USA). The company uses the following equipment: • Card ORINOCO PC Card (Silver / Gold). • Directional parabolic antenna Сonifer. • Directed antenna California Amplifier. • ORINOCO Adapter on the ISA bus (or PCI). • The antenna is aimed. • Access point ORINOCO AP-1000. • Wireless gateway ORINOCO RG-1100. • Lightning protection (gazorazryadnoi). • Orinoco 802.11 a PCI Adapter. • Connectors and cables. • Orinoco 802.11 a / b ComboCard Silver / Gold. • Agere Orinoco PC Card (Silver / Gold). • Avaya Wireless PC Card. The equipment we offer, allows you to connect remote subscribers at a distance up to 50 kilometers outside the premises, and up to 400 meters indoors at the presence of direct visibility between objects. The new equipment series, ORINOCO will enable You to quickly and efficiently organize the communication between remote computers and local area networks without the use of traditional cable wiring. For this you need to set the computers network ramokate, if necessary, to connect them to external antennas and configure the necessary software. Also you can communicate using wireless radamisto, which are designed as separate devices, and have standard interfaces to connect to existing cable networks. Due to the simplicity of installation and configuration of the equipment, You can build quite a complex wireless network for a short time. Hardware data transfer rate in the network is 11 Mbps, and the software to 650 kilobytes per second. A special protection mechanism will prevent unauthorized access to transmitted information.
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Questions and answers
According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «ASHARD, FIRMA, LLC» assigned a code 23399007.
Head of the company «ASHARD, FIRMA, LLC» is Lukin Dmytro Anatoliiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.
According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «ASHARD, FIRMA, LLC» — m. Mykolaiv, prosp. Heroiv Stalinhradu, 13a, k. 44.
According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «ASHARD, FIRMA, LLC» official site:
Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — зареєстровано.