Manufacture of machinery and equipment for the manufacture of food products

Products, services
Manufacture of machinery and equipment for the manufacture of food and beverages, tobacco processing
Products, services
Products: Separators cleaning / cleaning complexes / devices vertical feed grain / grain elevators, bucket / Movable conveyor belts Services: Cutting sheet metal / Cutting rold / Punching blanks / Rolling Rings
Products, services
Manufacture of machinery and equipment for the manufacture of food and beverages, tobacco processing
Products, services
The activities of intermediaries in the sale of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals
Products, services
Manufacture of machinery and equipment for processing agricultural products
Products, services
Продукція: Вішалки / Замки дверні / Вироби з пластмас / Казани / Устаткування для виробництва взуття і запасні частини до нього / Преси Агрегати і апарати зварювальні / Термоактіватор Т-Р / Термоувлажнітель Т1-0
  • 70530, Zaporizka obl., Zaporizkyi r-n, smt. Komyshuvakha, vul. Horkoho, 4
  • +38 (06141) 60367

Total companies: 194
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