Publishing computer games

Products, services
a software development company with offices in Ukraine and the USA
Products, services
- Production of unique mobile games and applications - Development of excellent gameplay and animation - Integration of high-quality graphics into projects - Support for development on iOS and Android platforms - Development of various genres of interactive entertainment - Testing and debugging of products - Optimization of software for optimal performance - Creation of attractive and challenging game More details
Products, services
- Graphic character design for games - Object and character animation - Game scenario development - 3D object modeling for games - Gameplay optimization for mobile platforms - Concept art for gaming projects - Sound design and audio effects for games - Game architecture development - Integration of network gameplay - Game testing and polishing - Production of audiovisual game presentations and trailers - More details
Products, services
Company C-MOST is the official representative of «Jiangsu Huahong Technology Stock Co., Ltd» on the Ukrainian market, as our company is the official and exclusive representative of KYUNGWON (Republic of Korea) - producer of high quality compressor equipment brand COAIRE compressor in Ukraine. Sales of industrial air compressors: oil-free helical, screw compressors and reciprocating compressors are an important area of
Products, services
Продукція: Комп’ютерні ігри / Он-лайн ігри / Програмне забезпечення Послуги: Сервіс-аутсорсинг систем промоушену і продажів комп’ютерних ігор / Локалізація ігор / Портирування ігор на інші платформи / Розробка ігор і додатків за замовленням
Products, services
Repair and maintenance of electric motors, generators and transformers

Total companies: 127
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