Activities in the field of wireless telecommunications

Products, services
Data transfer, voice and video traffic, the access to banking services (swift, reuters, western union, etc.), connection to processing centers and ATMs, access to the Internet.
  • 77500, Ivano-Frankivska obl., Kaluskyi r-n, m. Dolyna, vul. Hrushevskoho, 11
  • +38 (050) 2230452
Products, services
Activities in the field of wireless telecommunications
  • 77300, Ivano-Frankivska obl., m. Kalush, vul. Sviatoi Varvary, 6, k. 2
  • +38 (03472) 60061
Products, services
Activity in Radio and Television
Products, services
Activities in the field of wireless telecommunications
Products, services
Activities in the field of wireless telecommunications
  • 76493, m. Ivano-Frankivsk, s. Krykhivtsi, vul. 16-ho Lypnia, 2, k. 20
  • +38 (097) 1003311
Products, services
Activities in the field of wireless telecommunications
Products, services
Activities in the field of wireless telecommunications

Total companies: 251
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