Search «вогнезахисна обробка деревини» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
We offer: - design, installation and maintenance of fire - alarm, warning people about a fire, emergency and evacuation lighting, CCTV, lightning, fire hydrants; - fire protection of wooden and metal structures, tissues; - sale of fire extinguishers, fire cabinets, panels and other equipment; - develop guidelines evacuation plans; - conduct indentyfikatsiyi facility, development pol (emergency plans); - comprehensive protection of buildings from fire.
Products, services
Design work:  - Design of internal engineering networks, systems and structures: electricity, and electrical equipment;  - Automation and equipment;  - Design of external engineering networks, systems and facilities: electricity and electrical equipment, power lines and transformer substations up to 35 kV and above;  - Electric lighting. Erection of bearing and enclosing structures of buildings More details
Products, services
Services: Proyektuvannya fighting and mounting / installation of fire alarm / Fire-retardant treatment of wood and fabric / Installation of fire doors and gates
Products, services
The company ”the UNIVERSE of COMFORT” performs a full complex of works on fire protection facilities and installation of internal and external networks. FIRE PROTECTION: - fire extinguishing systems (water, foamy, gas, powder, aerosol); fire alarm, fire control; systems, smoke protection , warning and evacuation of people; devices lightning protection and grounding; - installation of fire doors,smoke More details
  • 1
Total companies: 5
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