Search «депиляция воском» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
Beauty salon ”L’ETUAL” in Lviv offers: 1. All kinds of hairdressing: - women: (coloring, highlighting, baleyazhu, haircuts, styling, haircut ”hot scissors” biozavivka ”MOSSA” and biovypryamlennya hair, evening and bridal hair treatment and hair restoration and scalp preparations ”Kerastase”); - men: (Haircuts, camouflage gray Cover 5, stylish styling, treatment and restore hair More details
Products, services
Offers a wide range of services: - all kinds of face cleansing (mechanical, chemical, physical); - cosmetology of problem skin (treatment of acne, cupperosis); - facial treatments (rejuvenation, lifting, anti-stress, nutrition, moisturizing); - chemical peels (acidic, enzymatic); - unique facial massage techniques; - procedures of non-surgical facial plastic (mesotherapy, revitalization); - More details
Products, services
Продукція: Косметичні маски / Креми Послуги: Косметичні / Косметологічні / Манікюр / Педикюр / Депіляция воском
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