Search «дозвіл на працевлаштування» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
Support business - a fully integrated business services, from registration of business entities and support business operations to solve economic, tax, corporate, financial disputes, termination procedures. Accounting, personnel services. Protecting the interests of individuals - Advocate protection, counseling services, work and claim legal representation, protection violated, unrecognized or disputed More details
Products, services
Here you can use legal and accounting services in Ukraine and Poland: - business registration in Poland and Ukraine; - registration of telephone numbers in Poland for business; - legal services in Poland and Ukraine; - accounting services in Poland and Ukraine; - contract insurance in Poland; - virtual address in Poland and Ukraine; - business consulting.
Products, services
► ACCOUNTING SERVICES ■ ACCOUNTING AND TAX ACCOUNTING Complex management or management of separate areas of accounting for legal entities, including non-profit organizations and non-profit organizations: - initial documents; - wages and taxes; - reporting; - budget compensation Areas of service provision: - accounting in trade; - accounting of production; - service accounting; - More details
Products, services
► IT Law: - opening of IT companies and building their structures; - legal support, development agreements (NDA, NCA, etc.). ► Immigration support of foreigners in Ukraine: - permanent residence, immigration permit (permanent residence permit), citizenship of Ukraine; - the work permit; - temporary residence based on marriage, studying, working, volunteering; - an invitation for a foreigner. ► More details
Products, services
РЕЄСТРАЦІЯ Реєстрація фіз.особи - підприємця Реєстрація підприємств акціонерне товариство товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю закрите акціонерне товариство дочірнє підприємство приватне підприємство повне More details
Products, services
• lawyer, lawyers, real estate, licensing, labor protection, contract, certification, intellectual property, corporate law, registration, re-registration, liquidation of companies, legal advice, employment of foreigners, building permits; • • Criminal, civil, commercial litigation, divorce, housing, business, inheritance, property disputes, divorce, honor and dignity, traffic accidents (MVA), More details
Products, services
We offer you services for foreign citizens in Ukraine: • registration / renewal of work permits; • extension of stay in Ukraine; • registration / renewal of temporary residence permit; • A permanent residence permit; • processing requests for entry to Ukraine; • registration of domicile (residence) in Kiev; • accreditation of companies that accept foreigners in Ukraine, in OVIR; • More details
Products, services
1. Реєстрація підприємств (внесення змін - зміна власника, керівника, найменування тощо, зміна адреси або переведення з району в район). 2. Ліквідація підприємств всіх форм власності, а т.ж. фізичних осіб - підприємців (ліквідація More details
Products, services
The company provides consulting and legal services for your business in financial services markets. The main activities are: A. registration of enterprises of all forms of ownership; 2. re-enterprises and changes in statutory documents; 3. assistance in conducting liquidation of any form of ownership; 4. creation of financial institutions such as pawnshops, financial companies that provide financial More details
Products, services
Migration law: residence permit, citizenship, work permit for foreigners, immigration permit Corporate law: company registration, liquidation, reorganization, nominal service, licensing Family law: divorce, marriage contract, alimony, establishment of paternity Financial law: offshore, Finashi companies, factoring, Civil law: housing disputes, inheritance cases, loans Representation in state bodies mediation Counsel for the accident
Products, services
We give the complete package of services: - Registration of questionnaires in embassies and visa centers; - Registration of insurance policy is in the best insurance company of Ukraine; - Free consultations on employment abroad; invitations, permissions on work and other concomitant documents; - Counsel and accompaniment during all period of work; - Organization of transport and transfer to job and back in Ukraine.
Products, services
The visa Agency, the Agency for employment abroad center visa support, insurance. Help : Filling visa application forms Work permit for visa Consultation and assistance in collection of documents The purpose of the application filing date Insurance for visa and visa-free regime
Products, services
Here you can use the following services: MIGRATION LAW - renewal, replacement, receipt of a passport; - personal recovery; - temporary, permanent residence permit; - obtaining the citizenship of Ukraine; - urgent marriage with a foreigner; - employment permit; - obtaining refugee status; - obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine; - resolution of disputes with the Migration Service. CORPORATE More details
Products, services
The visa Agency, the Agency for employment abroad center visa support, insurance. Help : Filling visa application forms Work permit for visa Consultation and assistance in collection of documents The purpose of the application filing date Insurance for visa and visa-free regime Legalization in Europe the cancellation of the visa
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Total companies: 15
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