Search «купити вогнегасники» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
Our services: - design, installation, maintenance of fire automatics installations; - recharging and maintenance of fire extinguishers; - implementation of fire extinguishers and fire-prevention equipment; - training on fire safety issues, etc .; - lightning protection. Our products: - fire extinguishers - dielectric materials; - shut-off valves; - security signs; - accessories to PSCH; - More details
Products, services
We offer: - design, installation and maintenance of fire - alarm, warning people about a fire, emergency and evacuation lighting, CCTV, lightning, fire hydrants; - fire protection of wooden and metal structures, tissues; - sale of fire extinguishers, fire cabinets, panels and other equipment; - develop guidelines evacuation plans; - conduct indentyfikatsiyi facility, development pol (emergency plans); - comprehensive protection of buildings from fire.
  • 79007, m. Lviv, vul. Dzherelna, 47 (entrance from the str. Veterans, 5)
  • +38 (067) 3715527
Products, services
Household goods warehouse offers: - work clothes and rubber boots kirzove; - mittens workers, Rubber; - calcium carbide; - electrodes ANO; - TSA generators, gearboxes BKO, CPD; - cutters, torches, hoses, oxygen; - bleach, neohlor, soda ash; - birch brooms, sorghum; - sweeping brushes, mops; - galvanized buckets, plastic; - basins, galvanized, plastic; - scoop type shovels, pointed, snow More details
Products, services
We offer: - design and installation of fire alarm systems, video surveillance, access control, barriers, computer, telephone and electrical networks, radio services for physical health facilities; - means of sealing; - fire; - door; - sale of equipment security systems, sealing systems, metal detectors and baggage screening equipment.
Products, services
Fire extinguisher powder and carbon-dioxide. Recharge fire extinguishers. Rukova, head of the ’yednuvalni, trunks, fire hydrants, fire stairs, cabinets PC (manufacturing), panels and components, and other Perezaryaka, technical obsluhivanie, diagnosis and repair of fire extinguishers.
Products, services
Shop workwear PPE Besley constantly sell clothing and work clothes, we can buy clothing for men and women, work clothes, suits, shoes, gloves. Also available: fire extinguishers, gloves, respirators, work shoes, boots with met.sock, mittens workers. All clothing is available.
  • 1
Total companies: 6
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