Search «менеджмент семинар» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
”HOCK” offers preparatory programs for passing British and American qualifying exams, corporate and open training in finance and auditing, management management and financial analysis. ”HOCK” has developed programs for the preparation of international qualification exams on audit, financial and managerial accounting and financial analysis.
Products, services
- Financial seminars for accountants - Professional legal consultation for business legal support - Accounting seminars in Odessa with IFA certification - Tax consultant and training for accountants on updates to the tax code - Legal services and consultation - Training and IFA certification - Financial management for enterprises - Management accounting courses - Accounting legal support for enterprises - More details
Products, services
Наша місія - ефективне вживання HR-технологий для зростання і процвітання компаній-клієнтів. Ми проводимо професійні бзнес-тренинги (продажі, менеджмент, управління персоналом, розвиток), Центри оцінки персоналу, психодіагностику.
  • 1
Total companies: 3
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