Search «мясо забійних тварин» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
Bulk sale of meat and offal: - pork in elements, stripping 5D; - neck part 5D; - loin b/k (beam) 5D; - blade b/k 5D; - back periosteum b/k (ham) 5D; - 5D cutout. Pork in elements: - cervical part; - loin b/k (beam); - scapula b/k; - back periosteum b/k (ham); - tenderloin; - spinal fat; - side lard; - meat ribs from brisket; - meat ribs from loin; - meat ribs from the shoulder blade; - More details
Products, services
- Crop Oilseeds Sunflower Industrial crops Rape Crops Wheat Corn Barley Peas retail TM ”House of Meat” Wholesale TM ”Agro-Oven” - Animal husbandry Pig-breeding In live weight Breeding animals (F-1, x Dyurok KB) Landrace Dyurok White Ukrainian Hungarian In slaughter weight Pork in p / t, h / w, s / n, c / b Pork in n / m, edging Offal Cattle in live weight of pedigree White More details
Products, services
Products: Grain, Bean, Wheat, Corn, Sunflower, stone Fruit, Berries, poultry, Eggs poultry
  • 1
Total companies: 3
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