Search «мідний кабель ціна» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
Wholesale of electrical devices and lighting equipment: - cables and wires (SIP, AVVG, VVG, PVS SHVVP, MF-1, MF-3); - clutch cable; - electricity meters; - ammeters; - voltmeters; - measuring transformers; - electrical panels; - cable trays; - flute; - wiring; - other electrical equipment; - rnife; - special Lighting Products and domestic purposes; - timers, voltage, current, phase control.
Products, services
PRODUCT: - refrigerating units; - multi-station; - compressors; - evaporators; - heat exchangers; - chillers; - sight cells; - blower (condenser) motors; - collapsible filter housing; - receivers; - filter contributions; - heating cable; - schroder access valve; - pressure controllers; - ball valves; - oil filters; - expansion valve; - solenoid valves; - temperature controller; - More details
Products, services
Our offer: cables and wires, electrical equipment, electrical supply, cable, wire, wire rash, fittings for overhead lines, aluminum cable, copper cable, power cables, non-flammable cables, fire-resistant cables, flexible cables, lighting equipment, lamps, panels, stabilizers. Cable brands: ASBl, AABl, AAShv, AVBbShv, VbBShv, AVVG, VVG, VVGng, GDP KVVG, KG, NHXH (flame) Cable brands: rash, plant, SHVVP, PV-1, PV-3 JSPPB, PPV.
Products, services
You can buy the following products from us: - CABLE AND WIRE PRODUCTS power cables VVG, cable AVVG and KVVG, copper cable APV and aluminum APPV, mounting wire PV1 and wire PV3, power cable VPP-1 and cable SHVVP, power cable PPV and PVA wire, power cable VBbvsh and AABl, AAB2l and AASHV, fire-resistant cable NHXH FE and cable KG, self-supporting insulated wire SIP, network cable UTP 5 and cable More details
Products, services
Wholesale sales of low-voltage and high-voltage electrical and lighting equipment: - cables and wires, SIP and fittings for it; - circuit breakers, switches differential current protective devices off; - automatic power vymymkachi, knife switches, contactors and starters; - lighting - fluorescent, scanning, waterproof, floodlights, street lights; - energy saving lamps, incandescent, fluorescent, More details
Products, services
Ferro CRA (dvoakumulyatorni system) Purse battery cable Wires batteries for trucks and selhoztethniku Wires batteries for cars Complete high-wire for trucks Complete high-wire in cars Complete low-voltage wiring for trucks and farm machinery Complete low-voltage wiring in cars and minibuses Wires outside starting battery (cigarette lighter cord) Repair (connection) wirings Some wisps of low More details
Products, services
Практично повний перелік продукції Спеціалізація: Електротехнічне і світлотехнічне обладнання та продукція. Кабель-провід: Кабель (N) HXH FE Кабель RG 6 Кабель ААБ2л Кабель ААБл Кабель ААШв Кабель ВБбШвнг Кабель АВВГ More details
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