Search «продаж кабелю» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
We offer the production of electrical equipment for engines and vehicles. We manufacture and supply wires, cables and cable networks for the automotive industry, as well as aviation, marine, medical and household appliances.
Products, services
Our offer: cables and wires, electrical equipment, electrical supply, cable, wire, wire rash, fittings for overhead lines, aluminum cable, copper cable, power cables, non-flammable cables, fire-resistant cables, flexible cables, lighting equipment, lamps, panels, stabilizers. Cable brands: ASBl, AABl, AAShv, AVBbShv, VbBShv, AVVG, VVG, VVGng, GDP KVVG, KG, NHXH (flame) Cable brands: rash, plant, SHVVP, PV-1, PV-3 JSPPB, PPV.
Products, services
We offer our services: - digital television; - rent and sale of Wi-Fi routers; - sale of Wi-Fi Mesh system, switches, media players, IP-cameras, remotes, IR sensor; - providing an additional IP address; - installation of a network adapter; - installation of a coupling; - installation of the connector ”RJ-45”; - providing additional cable ”UTP-5E” (per meter); - equipment setup specialist; - and other.
Products, services
You can buy the following products from us: - CABLE AND WIRE PRODUCTS power cables VVG, cable AVVG and KVVG, copper cable APV and aluminum APPV, mounting wire PV1 and wire PV3, power cable VPP-1 and cable SHVVP, power cable PPV and PVA wire, power cable VBbvsh and AABl, AAB2l and AASHV, fire-resistant cable NHXH FE and cable KG, self-supporting insulated wire SIP, network cable UTP 5 and cable More details
Products, services
- Internet access; - Dedicated channels; - transport channels - L2-VPN, L3-VPN; - Physical channels (fiber, copper); - Laying and installation of turnkey cable networks; - Laying and installation of optical (fiberglass) cable; - Laying and installation of a copper cable; - Installation, sale, service of the network equipment Hewlett-Packard, D-Link, TP-Link, Asotel; - Installation and More details
Products, services
Products: Electrical Products / Lighting Special production and household / Avtodrit / Cable high voltage / Cable communication / control cable / Cable RF / Power Cable / Cable telephone / insulation materials / Lighting devices / wire assembly / Wire field / Wire Adjusting / Radioprovod / Enamel -wire
Products, services
Company ”Eurotranstelecom” offers for corporate clients, telecommunication operators and Internet service providers the following services: - Optical channels DWDM; - Digital channels; - Ethernet services; - Internet services; - Data center services; - Voice IP services; - Local telephone communication; - Building an FOCL; - Sale of fibers; - Flashing service.
Products, services
Кабель Київ, Кабель ВВГ і ВВГ нгд Київ, кабель АВВГ київ, Освітлення Київ, Щити Київ, Щит ВРУ, АВР, ЩЕ, ЩС, ЩО Київ, Рубильники, Виготовлення щитів поверхових Київ, Світильники Київ, LED, Лічильники Київ, Контроллер.Заземленіе More details
Products, services
Manufacturing and selling cable products. Copper and aluminum group. Full production cycle.
Products, services
Wholesale sales of low-voltage and high-voltage electrical and lighting equipment: - cables and wires, SIP and fittings for it; - circuit breakers, switches differential current protective devices off; - automatic power vymymkachi, knife switches, contactors and starters; - lighting - fluorescent, scanning, waterproof, floodlights, street lights; - energy saving lamps, incandescent, fluorescent, More details
Products, services
Практично повний перелік продукції Спеціалізація: Електротехнічне і світлотехнічне обладнання та продукція. Кабель-провід: Кабель (N) HXH FE Кабель RG 6 Кабель ААБ2л Кабель ААБл Кабель ААШв Кабель ВБбШвнг Кабель АВВГ More details
Products, services
welding electrodes, welding wire at prices manufacturers. Wholesale and retail trade. Sales of air conditioners and installation packages for their services - the copper pipe, insulation, wire, metal drainage pipes. Making brackets, protective grilles and other metal structures.
Products, services
Production and sale of cable and conduction production which meets all quality standards.
Products, services
Design, installation, sales and service: - Security systems and automation; - Air conditioning and ventilation; - Professional cabling systems; - Computers and software; - Telephony.
Products, services
Sale of cables and wires and electrical equipment in Dnepropetrovsk, in the retail and wholesale.
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Total companies: 16
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