Search «cable and wire» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
Our offer: cables and wires, electrical equipment, electrical supply, cable, wire, wire rash, fittings for overhead lines, aluminum cable, copper cable, power cables, non-flammable cables, fire-resistant cables, flexible cables, lighting equipment, lamps, panels, stabilizers. Cable brands: ASBl, AABl, AAShv, AVBbShv, VbBShv, AVVG, VVG, VVGng, GDP KVVG, KG, NHXH (flame) Cable brands: rash, plant, SHVVP, PV-1, PV-3 JSPPB, PPV.
Products, services
You can buy the following products from us: - CABLE AND WIRE PRODUCTS power cables VVG, cable AVVG and KVVG, copper cable APV and aluminum APPV, mounting wire PV1 and wire PV3, power cable VPP-1 and cable SHVVP, power cable PPV and PVA wire, power cable VBbvsh and AABl, AAB2l and AASHV, fire-resistant cable NHXH FE and cable KG, self-supporting insulated wire SIP, network cable UTP 5 and cable More details
Products, services
All the lights is not the approach to work, and the range of products. - Switching and protective equipment; - Device detection and management; - Metal and plastic housing; - Power Connectors; - Devices for measuring and agree; - Reactive power compensation devices; - Cables and wires; - Lighting products;  - Wiring; - Wiring;  - Teplonakopychuvachi (el. heating); - Frequency converters; - Energy-saving system
Products, services
Wholesale sales of low-voltage and high-voltage electrical and lighting equipment: - cables and wires, SIP and fittings for it; - circuit breakers, switches differential current protective devices off; - automatic power vymymkachi, knife switches, contactors and starters; - lighting - fluorescent, scanning, waterproof, floodlights, street lights; - energy saving lamps, incandescent, fluorescent, More details
Products, services
Ferro CRA (dvoakumulyatorni system) Purse battery cable Wires batteries for trucks and selhoztethniku Wires batteries for cars Complete high-wire for trucks Complete high-wire in cars Complete low-voltage wiring for trucks and farm machinery Complete low-voltage wiring in cars and minibuses Wires outside starting battery (cigarette lighter cord) Repair (connection) wirings Some wisps of low More details
Products, services
Electrical Installation and materials. Stabilizers (normalizers) voltage and protective equipment. Emergency (backup) power supply (battery, diesel and gas power plants). Cables and wires. Wide range of light sources: fluorescent lamps, energy efficient, incandescent, halogen lamps, sodium lamps industrial, office, household and components. Consulting on energy efficiency, optimize energy costs, More details
Products, services
Ltd. ”Technoprivod” produces a wide range of different type and purpose of cable drives, which are used in a variety of machines and mechanisms:   - Cars;   - Buses; - Tractors, combines and other agricultural machinery;   - Construction, road and municipal engineering;   - Industrial machines and mechanisms;   - Ships, boats, yachts, jet skis;   - Aircraft.
Products, services
Практично повний перелік продукції Спеціалізація: Електротехнічне і світлотехнічне обладнання та продукція. Кабель-провід: Кабель (N) HXH FE Кабель RG 6 Кабель ААБ2л Кабель ААБл Кабель ААШв Кабель ВБбШвнг Кабель АВВГ More details
Products, services
Cable-explorer products the Sectoral wires the Cable clamps of KOZ the Zincked cable routing cable muffs the Self-supported isolated wire Zincked supports and masts the Cable armature Linear armiatura
Products, services
Comprehensive supply of goods, materials and equipment for industrial enterprises, as well as logistics services
Products, services
ELEKTROUNIT is the official partner of the manufacturer of the industrial electric drives Control Techniques (UK) which is a part of NIDEC Corporation. Control Techniques is the world leading company which produces Commander C and Unidrive M AC drives, MENTOR MP DC drives, DIGITAX HD servo-drives, and UNIMOTOR servomotors. ELEKTROUNIT designs and manufactures a complete electric control system for all industries using components of such companies as ABB, LAPP, CHINT.
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