Search «cables and wires» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
Our offer: cables and wires, electrical equipment, electrical supply, cable, wire, wire rash, fittings for overhead lines, aluminum cable, copper cable, power cables, non-flammable cables, fire-resistant cables, flexible cables, lighting equipment, lamps, panels, stabilizers. Cable brands: ASBl, AABl, AAShv, AVBbShv, VbBShv, AVVG, VVG, VVGng, GDP KVVG, KG, NHXH (flame) Cable brands: rash, plant, SHVVP, PV-1, PV-3 JSPPB, PPV.
Products, services
Products: Electrical Products / Lighting Special production and household / Avtodrit / Cable high voltage / Cable communication / control cable / Cable RF / Power Cable / Cable telephone / insulation materials / Lighting devices / wire assembly / Wire field / Wire Adjusting / Radioprovod / Enamel -wire
Products, services
DC Electro-West offers from a warehouse in Lviv, industrial fans, pumps, cables and wires, frequency converters, vibrators, transformers, electrical equipment, control and protection of motors and pumps. Reasonable prices, flexible system of discounts. Sale, warranty service.
Products, services
Ferro CRA (dvoakumulyatorni system) Purse battery cable Wires batteries for trucks and selhoztethniku Wires batteries for cars Complete high-wire for trucks Complete high-wire in cars Complete low-voltage wiring for trucks and farm machinery Complete low-voltage wiring in cars and minibuses Wires outside starting battery (cigarette lighter cord) Repair (connection) wirings Some wisps of low More details
Products, services
Open HRANDUMTEH Zhytomyr offers its services in the field of complex electrical supplies, lighting, LED products manufactured by leading manufacturer. Circuit breakers: Products YEK, AsKo UkrEM ”Promfactor” plant ”Etal», E-NEXT, Schneider Electric, Moeller, unmarketable, etc.; Starters, contactors: CT 60XX, CPC 1-20 (CRC-121, TKPM-121, DHC-121), KM-600 DV, DV KM-400, PMA, PME, PAE and much More details
Products, services
Industrial valves Valves | Steel, cast iron, copper, NZH, PE, PP, plastic | fittings pipes, fittings and pipes | Instrumentation and Automation | Water meters and gas measuring devices, flow | pump- compressors | equipment for water treatment | ship fittings and equipment | Oil and gas equipment | Heating equipment | Fire protection equipment | ventilation equipment | Cables and wires | Эlektrosvetotehnycheskaya More details
Products, services
• Wholesale and retail supply of electrical, low voltage and lighting equipment; • Wholesale supply of innovative contemporary lighting fixtures for all types of applications and nominations from leading manufacturers TM Philips (Netherlands), Osram (Germany), PXF Lighting (Poland), OMS (Slovakia), ELGO lighting (Brilum) (Poland) at the best prices in the Ukrainian market; • Wholesale supply More details
Products, services
Практично повний перелік продукції Спеціалізація: Електротехнічне і світлотехнічне обладнання та продукція. Кабель-провід: Кабель (N) HXH FE Кабель RG 6 Кабель ААБ2л Кабель ААБл Кабель ААШв Кабель ВБбШвнг Кабель АВВГ More details
Products, services
- Cables and wires, - Lighting, - Electrical Products; - Low-voltage and high-voltage equipment - LED Lighting - Design and electrical - A full range of services related to electricity.
Products, services
Наша спеціалізація - виконання поставок технологічного, електротехнічного, гірськошахтного, нафтогазопромислового обладнання, контрольно-вимірювальних приладів, автоматики, високовольтної та низьковольтної апаратури, ізоляційних матеріалів.
Products, services
Cables and wires out of stock and on order.
Products, services
Cables and wires , lighting , automation , Electrical systems, cabling , counters.
Products, services
Wholesale trade in building materials, electrical, lighting, cabling and wiring products and specials. tool.
Products, services
Shop ”Interior Light” offers: electrical equipment, electrical cable, wire, light bulbs, lighting fixtures, panels, regulators, electricity. Fulfillment of electric installation works flats, houses, shops, offices. Connect electrical panels, outlets, switches, lights, and so on. Small and emergency repairs.
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Total companies: 14
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