Search «copper wire» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
Wholesale of electrical devices and lighting equipment: - cables and wires (SIP, AVVG, VVG, PVS SHVVP, MF-1, MF-3); - clutch cable; - electricity meters; - ammeters; - voltmeters; - measuring transformers; - electrical panels; - cable trays; - flute; - wiring; - other electrical equipment; - rnife; - special Lighting Products and domestic purposes; - timers, voltage, current, phase control.
Products, services
Our offer: cables and wires, electrical equipment, electrical supply, cable, wire, wire rash, fittings for overhead lines, aluminum cable, copper cable, power cables, non-flammable cables, fire-resistant cables, flexible cables, lighting equipment, lamps, panels, stabilizers. Cable brands: ASBl, AABl, AAShv, AVBbShv, VbBShv, AVVG, VVG, VVGng, GDP KVVG, KG, NHXH (flame) Cable brands: rash, plant, SHVVP, PV-1, PV-3 JSPPB, PPV.
Products, services
We offer the following services: - stainless steel - stainless steel sheets, pipes, stainless steel rods, piping fittings, wire, electrodes; - Hire of copper, aluminum, brass, bronze, titanium and others. non-ferrous metals - pipes, sheets, wire, tires, cast iron, rolled steel, etc .; - We provide cutting and metal cutting services according to the size of the customer; - delivery of hire in Ukraine by own or hired transport.
Products, services
Wholesale sales of low-voltage and high-voltage electrical and lighting equipment: - cables and wires, SIP and fittings for it; - circuit breakers, switches differential current protective devices off; - automatic power vymymkachi, knife switches, contactors and starters; - lighting - fluorescent, scanning, waterproof, floodlights, street lights; - energy saving lamps, incandescent, fluorescent, More details
Products, services
Ferro CRA (dvoakumulyatorni system) Purse battery cable Wires batteries for trucks and selhoztethniku Wires batteries for cars Complete high-wire for trucks Complete high-wire in cars Complete low-voltage wiring for trucks and farm machinery Complete low-voltage wiring in cars and minibuses Wires outside starting battery (cigarette lighter cord) Repair (connection) wirings Some wisps of low More details
Products, services
The leading company in the market of metal products of LLC ”Trade House” OMK-Trade ”proposes to consider the possibilities of cooperation and supply a wide range of” black ”,” color ”and stainless steel metal: - Steel pipe (steel) of different diameters and profiles; - Steel sheet thickness 0,5-60 mm (galvanized, Invitation) - Beams, channels, angles; - Terms of diameter 6-360 mm More details
Products, services
Our company offers you color, stainless and black metal at competitive prices from the warehouse and on order. At us in assortment: Stainless rolling brands: AISI 430, AISI 201, AISI 304, AISI 321, AISI 316L, AISI 310S, AISI 309, 12Х18Н10Т, 08Х18Н10, 10Х17Н13М2Т, 20Х23Н18, 10Х23Н18, 20Х25Н20С2, 06ХН28МДТ, 08Х17Т, 12Х17, 20Х13, 30Х13, 40Х13. Stainless Seamless Pipes GOST More details
Products, services
Практично повний перелік продукції Спеціалізація: Електротехнічне і світлотехнічне обладнання та продукція. Кабель-провід: Кабель (N) HXH FE Кабель RG 6 Кабель ААБ2л Кабель ААБл Кабель ААШв Кабель ВБбШвнг Кабель АВВГ More details
Products, services
welding electrodes, welding wire at prices manufacturers. Wholesale and retail trade. Sales of air conditioners and installation packages for their services - the copper pipe, insulation, wire, metal drainage pipes. Making brackets, protective grilles and other metal structures.
Products, services
MP "Marta" - specializes on trade and wholesale Nonferrous metal and casting alloys based on copper, aluminum, zinc, tin and other elements used in ferrous metallurgy.   Always available, namely copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, tin, solder PIC babbit, lead, zinc, nickel.
Products, services
Serial production of LED lighting fixtures and accessories. LED T8 lamps, LED modules. LED drivers. Distribution of components and materials for LEDs. Development and contract manufacturing of electronic devices.
Products, services
Trade nonferrous metals Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing: nickel, zinc, tin, copper, ferrochrome, Ferromolybdenum, Ferrovanadium, Ferrotitanium, ferromanganese, Ferromanganese, metalloprokat, products from ferrous metals ..
Products, services
Wholesale and retail trade metaloproduktsiyey, hardware, sanitary, plumbing and heating equipment and construction materials.
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Total companies: 14
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