Insurance other than life insurance

Products, services
Services: Insurance
Products, services
We provide the following services: - voluntary insurance against fire and natural hazards; - voluntary property insurance [except rail, land, air, water transport (inland and other water transport), cargo and luggage (cargo); - voluntary insurance of cargo and luggage (luggage); - voluntary third party liability insurance [except for civil liability of land transport owners, liability of air transport More details
Products, services
Services: Insurance
Products, services
Services: non-life insurance
Products, services
Послуги: Добровільне страхування / Обов’язкове страхування / Особисте страхування / Страхування майна / Страхування автотранспорту / Банківське страхування / Страхування вантажів / Страхування відповідальності / Перестрахування
Products, services
Other types of insurance other than life insurance
Products, services
Services: Compulsory Insurance / Financial intermediation

Total companies: 358
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