Recently Updated Companies

Products, services
You can order from us: - stencils for decorating; - various types of packaging materials; - kitchen and household utensils; - paper for packaging and envelopes; - plastic and household buckets; - polyethylene bags of various sizes; - glasses and glasses for food and drinks; - blister packaging for medicines; - bottles for consumer chemistry; - cardboard boxes for transporting goods; - garbage More details
Products, services
Sweets: - cakes; - bento cakes; - rolls; - cookies; - cakes; - eclairs; - macaroons; - cupcakes; - sweets. Baked goods: - bread; - cows; - Easter Passover. Cakes to order: - children’s; - wedding; - corporate; - bento cakes; - homemade cakes; - cakes for a gender party; - on Mother’s Day; - until St. Valentine’s Day.
Total companies: 122
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