Search «гранітні плити» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
- Pavement; - Stove; - Tactile plate; - Border; - Granite products for the interior; - Granite steps; - Small architectural forms are functional; - Small architectural forms are decorative.
Products, services
1. Granite blocks: - And a group of more than 5 cubic meters. m - II group from 3.5 to 5 cubic meters. m - III group from 2.01 to 3.5 cubic meters. m. - IV group from 1.01 to 2.0 cubic meters. m. - V-VI group, from 0.01 to 1.0 cubic meters. m. 2. Granite slabs (sawn, heat treated, polished - 20, 30, 40 mm). 3. Granite tiles. 4. Granite pavement: - chipped; - sawdust; - fully sawn. 5. More details
Products, services
We can order and buy: - monuments of granite and marble crumb; - granite gravel; - tombstones and tombstones; - granite arches; - granite vases; - candlesticks made of granite; - granite crosses. And also, we offer: professional manufacture, decoration and installation of a monument. Exhibition-sale ”THE BEST GRANITES OF THE WORLD” we offer artwork of portraits, inscriptions; bronze More details
Products, services
granite blocks, granite slabs, granite slabs edged and unmounted, granite paving stone, curbstone.
Products, services
Granite Slabs Granite Tile Sidewalk Granite Tile Granite Paving Slabs Facing Granite Slabs Covering Granite Slabs Granite plinth for the floor Granite Stairs Granite Stairs on the Street Granite Stairs for the House Granite Plinth for Stairs Granite Borders Granite road curbs Granite sidewalk curbs Curbs Granite Bridge Granite Countertops Granite windowsills Granite Tides Granite More details
Products, services
Products: Monuments, Granite / Slabs of natural stone / Teploenerhyya
  • 53853, Dnipropetrovska obl., Apostolivskyi r-n, s-shche Tokivske, vul. Shoseina, 1b
  • +38 (05656) 58446
Products, services
Продукція: Плити гранітні / Східці гранітні / Плити цокольні / Камінь / Блоки.
Products, services
Granite plates and slabs, granite blocks, granite tiles, granite paving stones, curbs, paving slabs, breccias, granite steps and steps, balusters and granite columns, granite railing, window sills, table tops, tables, benches, monuments, monuments, Vases, balls, covers, coasters and fountains made of granite.
Products, services
Products: Blocks and Slabs Granite / Granite Slabs / Artistic stone / stone construction.
Products, services
Products: Machine polishing knee-lever / polishing machines, automatic / Granite / Granite
Products, services
Our exhibition and sale you can order or buy: - Monuments of national and foreign granite. - Fireplaces. - Sills. - Accessories (bronze crosses and statues). - Tools for stone processing. - Tools for the care of monuments. - Tools for the installation of monuments. - Chemistry for the care of monuments.
Products, services
Marble countertops and sinks, bars and marble window sills, moldings and borders, balusters, balls, columns, hardscape, sockets and friezes, mosaics and carved floors, decorative furniture, granite countertops, floors, stairs with granite, granite monuments once erected and granite tombstones, fireplaces, stairs, columns, bars, reception counters, countertops, sinks, window sills, paving, curbs, Tombstone More details
  • 1
Total companies: 15
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