Products, services
Продукція: Зерно / Зернобобові / Пшениця / Кукурудза / Соняшник / Буряк / Картопля / Овочі / Коренеплоди кормові / Силос / Сіно / ВРХ / Свині / Молоко
Company information
Гречиха / Маис, кукуруза / Молочные коровы / Овес / Просо / Пшеница / Рожь / Свекла сахарная / Свиньи для разведения стада / Семена злаков / Семена сахарной свеклы / Скот крупный рогатый на убой / Скот крупный рогатый племенной / Ячмень
Activities of KVED
- Mixed farming
- Grain growing companies
- Growing vegetables and melons
- Growing annual and biennial crops
- Breeding of dairy cattle
- Breeding other cattle and buffalo
- Pig breeding
- Supporting activities in crop production
- Post-harvest activities
- Sugar production
- Production of prepared feed for farm animals
- Wholesale of grain, tobacco, seeds and animal feed
- Wholesale of live animals
- Wholesale of meat and meat products
- Wholesale of dairy products, eggs, edible oils and fats
- Wholesale of sugar, chocolate and confectionery
- Retail sale from trays and in the markets of other goods
- Freight road transport
- Manufacture of other ready meals
- Research and experimental development in the field of other natural and technical sciences
- Water intake, purification and supply
Questions and answers
According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «DERZHAVNE PIDPRYYEMSTVO ”DOSLIDNE HOSPODARSTVO ”KORDELIVSKE” INSTYTUTU KARTOPLYARSTVA NATSIONALNOYI AKADEMIYI AHRARNYKH NAUK UKRAYINY”» assigned a code 00497644.
Head of the company «DERZHAVNE PIDPRYYEMSTVO ”DOSLIDNE HOSPODARSTVO ”KORDELIVSKE” INSTYTUTU KARTOPLYARSTVA NATSIONALNOYI AKADEMIYI AHRARNYKH NAUK UKRAYINY”» is Shevchenko Kostiantyn Valeriiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.
According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «DERZHAVNE PIDPRYYEMSTVO ”DOSLIDNE HOSPODARSTVO ”KORDELIVSKE” INSTYTUTU KARTOPLYARSTVA NATSIONALNOYI AKADEMIYI AHRARNYKH NAUK UKRAYINY”» — Vinnytska obl., Khmilnytskyi r-n, s. Kordelivka, vul. Peremohy, 1.
Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — зареєстровано.