Legal address
04053, m. Kyiv, prov. Nestorivskyi, 4

Products, services

Publication of legislation on radiation protection
Conducting scientific research in the field of radiation protection
Providing consultations and recommendations on radiation protection for the population
Organization of training seminars and workshops on radiation protection
Participation in international projects on radiation protection
Monitoring of the radiation background in Ukraine
Dissemination of information on radiation protection among the population
Conducting audits and inspections on radiation protection
Preparation of expert conclusions on radiation protection of objects
Publication of scientific publications in the field of radiation protection
Organization of specialized events on the topic of radiation protection
Analysis of the state of radiation protection in Ukraine
Support of partnership relations with international organizations in the field of radiation protection
Organization of regular meetings and conferences on radiation protection
Implementation of innovative methods of radiation protection
Support for projects aimed at improving the efficiency of radiation protection
Organization of professional knowledge exchange in the field of radiation protection
Preparation of recommendations for improving the system of radiation protection
Conducting auditing checks of activities in the field of radiation protection

Company information

The National Commission for Radiation Protection of the Population of Ukraine (NCRPP) is an important state institution responsible for ensuring the safety of the population from possible consequences of radioactive influence. Through its work, the NCRPP helps to reduce the risks of radiation exposure to human health and ensures appropriate safety standards in this field.

One of the important functions of the NCRPP is to control the quality of radiation protection in various sectors, including healthcare, industry, and defense. Competent specialists of the NCRPP carry out analysis, monitoring, and expert assessments to ensure the highest level of safety in all these areas.

The NCRPP also actively works on popularizing knowledge of radiation protection among the population. Through seminars, trainings, and informational campaigns, the commission seeks to increase citizens’ awareness of radiation safety issues and teach them how to react correctly in emergency situations.

Furthermore, the NCRPP conducts scientific research aimed at improving methods of radiation control and protection. The commission collaborates with leading scientific institutions and international organizations to exchange experiences and align standards in this field.

In conclusion, the National Commission for Radiation Protection of the Population of Ukraine (NCRPP) plays an important role in ensuring the safety of the population in conditions of possible radiation exposure by implementing comprehensive measures for control, prevention, and promotion of knowledge in this area.

Activities of KVED


National Commission on Radiation Protection Radiation monitoring Protection of the population from radiation Radiation monitoring system Nuclear safety in Ukraine Prevention of radiation hazards Environmental radiation control Safety in the nuclear industry Regulation of radiation safety Monitoring of radiation levels
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU20064309
Kopylenko Oleksandr Liubymovych
Registration date21.02.1991
Update date30.03.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «NATSIONALNA KOMISIYA Z RADIATSIYNOHO ZAKHYSTU NASELENNYA UKRAYINY» assigned a code 20064309.

Head of the company «NATSIONALNA KOMISIYA Z RADIATSIYNOHO ZAKHYSTU NASELENNYA UKRAYINY» is Kopylenko Oleksandr Liubymovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «NATSIONALNA KOMISIYA Z RADIATSIYNOHO ZAKHYSTU NASELENNYA UKRAYINY» — m. Kyiv, prov. Nestorivskyi, 4.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «NATSIONALNA KOMISIYA Z RADIATSIYNOHO ZAKHYSTU NASELENNYA UKRAYINY» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
04053, m. Kyiv, prov. Nestorivskyi, 4
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