Actual address
Poltavska obl., m. Kremenchuk, vul. Troitska, 33, of. 3
Legal address
39600, Poltavska obl., m. Kremenchuk, vul. 29-ho Veresnia, 22, of. 303
Postal address
Poltavska obl., m. Kremenchuk, vul. Troitska, 33, of. 3

Products, services

”Wustite” (WUST) is a systems integrator of GPS monitoring in Ukraine: - Ability to create and set up accounts and define user access levels to various elements of the system in control mode. To see on the map the position of the objects to which the user has access to the online monitoring, and information about them appearing in tooltips (including speed and sensor data). - Visualize the route of one or several vehicles for any period of time, built the track and losing it by using the tool ”track Player”. - To map and display any number of POIs - points, which is of particular interest to the user. A unique feature of Wialon - the possibility to define POI radius, which is quite relevant upon marking large objects (factories, warehouses, depots) and use this information in reports. - To monitoring of transportation attendance of certain objects on the map using the tool ”geofences”. - Instantly be notified about situations of interest to the user (e.g., speeding, simple vehicle, pressing the panic button, change the gauges, loss of communication with an object or arrival at reference point of a given route). - To observe the vehicle either by an employee moving on the route with control points, using the routing tool. - Process, systematize and analyze any information received through Wialon Hosting, with the help of reports generated based on editable templates. Each report can contain any number of tables and charts whose contents are defined by the user. - Storing information for up to 12 months.

Activities of KVED


gps navigation, tracker, trackers, vehicle monitoring, fuel sensor, control
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU23814490
Lomakina Nataliia Mykolaivna — Director
Year of foundation
Number of employees12 чел.
Registration date15.03.1996
Update date09.08.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «VYUST, LLC» assigned a code 23814490.

Head of the company «VYUST, LLC» is Lomakina Nataliia Mykolaivna, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «VYUST, LLC» — Poltavska obl., m. Kremenchuk, vul. 29-ho Veresnia, 22, of. 303.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «VYUST, LLC» official site: https://wust.in.ua/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Actual address
Poltavska obl., m. Kremenchuk, vul. Troitska, 33, of. 3
Legal address
39600, Poltavska obl., m. Kremenchuk, vul. 29-ho Veresnia, 22, of. 303
Postal address
Poltavska obl., m. Kremenchuk, vul. Troitska, 33, of. 3
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