Actual address
04080, m. Kyiv, vul. Nyzhnoyurkivska, 9
Legal address
01133, m. Kyiv, vul. Mechnykova, 9
Postal address
04080, m. Kyiv, vul. Nyzhnoiurkivska, 9

Products, services

- Household goods for office.
- Paper towels.
- Toilet paper.
- Measuring hoppers of liquid soap.
- Disposable utensils.
- Household cleaning.
- Trash.
- Household.
- Ironing board.
- Drying laundry.
- Baskets of dirty laundry.
- Mailboxes.
- Cooking Utensils.
- Sets for spices and cereals.
- Containers for bulk products.
- Breadbaskets.
- Trays.

Company information

Company ”5 Plus KO” is the official distributor of the leading european manufacturers of sanitary and hygienic equipment Mar Plust (Italy) and household goods Brabantia (Netherlands).
Priority is the wholesale and retail high-quality goods.

Bring to your attention:
- products for sanitary purposes (holders toilet paper and paper towels, dozovniky liquid soap, paper pad holders, liquid soap, paper towels and toilet paper, hand dryers, electronic air freshener, paper basket, baskets, bins);

- household goods (bread bins, containers for bulk products, spice sets, trays, buckets for cooling wine, kitchen accessories, corkscrews ironing boards, laundry baskets, mailboxes).

All products are well proven in operation, meets european safety standards of health, as well as a convenient, reliable, original design, will bring a new dimension to the interior of your kitchen, bathroom, toilet.

Buyers Network LLC ”5 Plus” has more than 3,000 organizations, enterprises and firms of different ownership forms. This allows us to offer prices and conditions that compare favorably to other offerings on the market of Ukraine.

We care about your pleasure and comfort!
Individual approach to each client, a flexible system of discounts, possible delivery address is the basis of relationships that develop with our customers.
Cooperating with us, you will save your time!

Marketing information

Trade marks
BRABANTIA (Голландия)
LAMIX (Польща)
Import countriesГолландия, Польша, Италия, Испания

Activities of KVED


household goods, household goods ukraine, kyiv household goods, household goods, craft store, craft store kyiv, kyiv household goods tableware, kitchenware gifts kyiv, business office supplies, business office supplies
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU24264850
Lypovyk Oleksandr Ivanovych — Director General
Year of foundation
Number of employees4 чел.
Registration date01.04.1996
Update date01.03.2023

Work schedule

09:00 — 18:00
09:00 — 18:00
09:00 — 18:00
09:00 — 18:00
09:00 — 18:00
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «5 PLYUS KO, LLC» assigned a code 24264850.

Head of the company «5 PLYUS KO, LLC» is Lypovyk Oleksandr Ivanovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «5 PLYUS KO, LLC» — m. Kyiv, vul. Mechnykova, 9.

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Actual address
04080, m. Kyiv, vul. Nyzhnoyurkivska, 9
Legal address
01133, m. Kyiv, vul. Mechnykova, 9
Postal address
04080, m. Kyiv, vul. Nyzhnoiurkivska, 9
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