
77454, Ivano-Frankivska obl., Ivano-Frankivskyi r-n, s. Drahomyrchany, vul. Shkilna, 13
Ribak Mikhailo Vasilovich

Company information

The village Dragomyrchany (5 km from Ivano-Frankivsk), only 300m from the road to Bogorodchany located recreation function complex ”When Yavoriv ”.
    At your service motel with double rooms, equipped with all comforts and number ”luxury ” and the clock working Finnish sauna.
Corporate Ukrainian food (dumplings, roast on hutsul knyhlyky, banosh, chebureks etc.) you can enjoy in the cafe ”When Yavoriv ” and the restaurant to celebrate a wedding, banquet, various commemorative events, corporate parties, a conference, presentation and other collection.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU2469410951
Registration date18.06.2012
Update date08.05.2024
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