
Legal address
02068, m. Kyiv, vul. Urlivska, 4a/78
Actual address
03179, m. Kyiv, Zhytomyrske shosse, 19 km

Company information

At your service:

Single and double rooms, suites
Round the clock water supply
Exquisite European and Ukrainian cuisine, restaurant, discotheque and variety shows.
Five-time meals (the menu vitamizirovannye broths)
Everything you need for outdoor activities adults and children.
Billiard Hall
Everything you need for a comfortable stay in the buildings: sauna, massage room, solarium and much more.
Concert hall for presentations, seminars, business meetings, symposiums and conferences and more.
Cinema on the screen which you can watch movies from a DVD, which provides stereo sound, excellent image quality and presence.
The high level of security throughout the rest homes, guarded parking for private vehicles.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU2592518527
Registration date20.06.2012
Update date15.07.2016
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