Legal nameGUTNYK O. V. , FOP
Actual address
79013, m. Lviv, vul. Bandery, 22
Legal address
81110, Lvivska obl., Lvivskyi r-n, s. Zymna Voda, vul. Nalyvaika, 10

Products, services

Tourism, tours to Europe, beach vacation, exotic tours, hotel reservations, bus and air tickets, visa, insurance. Children travel, pilgrimage, pilgrimage, cruises, tours, ski tours, tickets to Bukovel. Promotions, discounts.

Countries: Austria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Egypt, UAE, Tunisia, Morocco, Croatia, Montenegro, Poland, Italy, France, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Hungary (Hungary), Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany Spain, Portugal, Greece, Great Britain, Israel, Cyprus, Crete, Thailand, India, Goa, China, Maldives, Seychelles, Canary Islands, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba and others.

Hot Tours, burning permit. Sea, exotic. Discount rounds. Early booking

Company information

Tourism. Promotional tours, favorable price, best deals tourist market. High standards of service, perfect image of in the last 8 years. Only highly qualified staff will help you choose the best tours for you.

Tourism: tours, beach holidays, exotic tours, hotel reservations, bus and air tickets, visa, insurance. Children travel, pilgrimage, pilgrimage, cruises, tours, ski tours, Bukovel, tickets, tours by bus, by train, by plane from Lviv, Kyiv and other cities.

Countries: Austria, Turkey, Egypt, UAE, Tunisia, Croatia, Montenegro, Europe, Poland, Italy, France, Hungary (Hungary), Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Great Britain, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Norway Sweden, Finland, Israel, Cyprus, Crete, Thailand, India, Goa, China, Maldives, Seychelles, Canary Islands, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba.

Sea, exotic. Discount rounds. Early booking. Hot Tours, burning permit. Promotions, discounts.
DAILY ACTIONS place that help save up to 50 percent of the cost of the tour.

Branches and representations

79018, Lviv, vul. Gorodok, 88, st. Golovatsky, 3
(097) 0213774,
(063) 1979774

79010, Lviv, vul. Lychakivska, 64
(067) 3707799,
(093) 0223499

Marketing information

Trade marks
Поїхали з нами (Україна)
Поехали с нами (Україна)


weekend tours, more information about turkey, beach vacation, tour in egypt, holidays in turkey tours to turkey, heated tour, burning tours to thailand more information about tunisia, more information about thailand, thailand burning permit, weekend, thailand tours, travel agencies, travel agencies, travel agencies, travel agencies, more information about bulgaria, cheap tours to thailand, travel in bulgaria, egypt tours, tours in montenegro more information about montenegro, hot trips, weekend trips
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU3099216205
Gutnyk Oksana Volodymyrivna — director
Number of employees16 чел.
Registration date31.01.2012
Update date27.04.2021

Work schedule

10:00 — 19:00
10:00 — 19:00
10:00 — 19:00
10:00 — 19:00
10:00 — 19:00
11:00 — 17:00
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Legal nameGUTNYK O. V. , FOP
Actual address
79013, m. Lviv, vul. Bandery, 22
Legal address
81110, Lvivska obl., Lvivskyi r-n, s. Zymna Voda, vul. Nalyvaika, 10
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