Legal address
04205, m. Kyiv, prosp. Obolonskyi, 14zh

Products, services

- Pools (collapsible, hydro massage, with film)
- Fountains (decorative, with hydro massage, for landscape design)
- Filtration systems for pools and fountains
- Hydro massage system for pools
- Pool filters (sand, cartridge, diatomaceous)
- Pool stairs (stainless steel, plastic)
- Pool construction (with coping stones, coping, counterflow)
- Counterflow for pools
- Hydro massage pools with massage system
- Pool chemicals (cleaning, disinfection, pH balance products)
- Landscape design around pools
- Fountain equipment (pumps, LED systems)
- Construction and reconstruction of fountains
- Biological water purification for pools and ponds
- Equipment for decorative fountains
- Goods for arranging ponds and lakes
- Biofilters for water purification
- Decorative fountains for garden and park
- Professional consultations for pool and fountain maintenance
- Service maintenance and repair of equipment

This list of resources was compiled based on the content of the specified website and the keywords provided in the task.

Company information

The company ”OASE Pools, Fountains, Pool Construction - AquEngineering LLC” is a market leader in Ukraine in the field of engineering and construction technologies. Founded with the goal of providing clients innovative solutions in the creation and reconstruction of fountains and pools of various types. The company specializes in pool construction, maintenance and servicing of fountains, and also offers a wide range of equipment for these structures.

One of the key services of the company is the design and installation of fountains, which add sophistication and elegance to any landscape. In addition, ”OASE Pools” also specializes in the installation of filtration systems and hydro massage units for pools, ensuring high water quality and comfort for users.

The company also offers modern engineering solutions such as pool stairs, coping stones, counter-current systems, hydro massage pools, as well as prefabricated pools with high-quality pool lining. Reliable pool filters and chemicals guarantee water cleanliness and user health.

”OASE Pools, Fountains, Pool Construction - AquEngineering LLC” is known for its high level of professionalism in creating decorative fountains, fountain equipment, and effective water purification systems. The company offers a full range of services, including landscape design, creating an atmosphere of comfort and luxury in every project.

Stay at the forefront of innovative technologies with ”OASE Pools, Fountains, Pool Construction - AquEngineering LLC” and enjoy quality and balance in your pools and fountains.

Activities of KVED


The company ”Oasis Pools, fountains, filtration systems, hydro massage systems, pool filters, pool stairs, pool construction, portable pools, curb stones, coping, counterflow, hydro massage pools, pool liners, pool chemicals, landscape design, fountain equipment, fountain pumps, fountain construction, biological treatment, biological water treatment, pond equipment, decorative fountains”.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU32346916
Prokhvatilov Mykola Viktorovych
Balaba Volodymyr Valeriiovych
Number of employees1 чел.
Registration date19.02.2003
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «AKVA INZHYNIRINH, LLC» assigned a code 32346916.

Head of the company «AKVA INZHYNIRINH, LLC» is Prokhvatilov Mykola Viktorovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «AKVA INZHYNIRINH, LLC» — m. Kyiv, prosp. Obolonskyi, 14zh.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «AKVA INZHYNIRINH, LLC» official site: http://www.aqua-e.com.ua/ru

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
04205, m. Kyiv, prosp. Obolonskyi, 14zh
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