Legal address
32300, Khmelnytska obl., m. Kamianets-Podilskyi, vul. Uralska, 4

Products, services

- Online store for mattresses and beds
- Exclusive quilts and pillows for comfortable sleep
- Bedroom furniture in a modern style
- Scented candles to create a calming atmosphere
- Decorative pillows and blankets for coziness in the bedroom
- Eco-friendly bags and accessories made from natural materials
- Quilts and blankets with designer prints
- Ergonomic mattresses for a healthy sleep
- Throws and blankets made from natural fibers
- Soft toys and pillows for children
- Living room furniture with functionality
- Tableware and kitchen accessories in Scandinavian style
- Textile care products for fabrics and furniture
- Rugs and carpets to create a cozy atmosphere
- Mattresses for children’s rooms with hypoallergenic properties
- Bathroom textiles with themed prints
- Office furniture and accessories in ergonomic design
- Lamps and lights for various interiors
- Designer quilts and pillows with hand embroidery
- Soft armchairs and corner sofas for the living room with comfortable details

Company information

A company with incredible potential and endless opportunities - 3glav.com.ua. This domain may be available for purchase to you! As the owner of such a unique domain, you have the opportunity to create your own unique online presence, which will contribute to the expansion of your business and promotion in the world of the Internet.

3glav.com.ua is not just a domain, it’s an investment in your success. You have the opportunity to create your unique positioning, emphasize your professionalism, and stand out among competitors. This domain will allow you to take your place in the business world and impress your clients with your uniqueness and style.

3glav.com.ua is an opportunity to go from creation to development with your own unique domain. Here you can unleash your creative potential, present your goods and services in a way that will attract attention and attract new clients. This domain will be a business card for your business online, where you can show your individuality and originality.

Don’t waste time and seize this unique opportunity - purchase the domain 3glav.com.ua today and start your successful journey to great achievements in the world of online business!

Activities of KVED


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Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU33375911
Akymovych Serhii Heorhiiovych
Registration date27.01.2005
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «KAMYANETS-PODILSKYY TSENTR POVITROPLAVANNYA, PO» assigned a code 33375911.

Head of the company «KAMYANETS-PODILSKYY TSENTR POVITROPLAVANNYA, PO» is Akymovych Serhii Heorhiiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «KAMYANETS-PODILSKYY TSENTR POVITROPLAVANNYA, PO» — Khmelnytska obl., m. Kamianets-Podilskyi, vul. Uralska, 4.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «KAMYANETS-PODILSKYY TSENTR POVITROPLAVANNYA, PO» official site: http://3glav.com.ua/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
32300, Khmelnytska obl., m. Kamianets-Podilskyi, vul. Uralska, 4
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