Legal address
50036, Dnipropetrovska obl., m. Kryvyi Rih, vul. Bykova, 12

Products, services

- Ceramic water filters from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Unique water purification systems for home from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Multifunctional water heaters at the best prices at aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Innovative reverse osmosis water systems from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Environmentally friendly water heaters with quality guarantee from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Original plumbing filters from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Effective water purification systems for apartments and houses from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Sale of spare filters and components for water purification systems from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Thermo pots for water with uninterrupted supply from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- High-quality water purification systems for the kitchen from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Water heaters with various functions from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Drinking water filters from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih with easy cassette replacement.
- Compact and reliable reverse osmosis water systems from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Replacement cartridges for filters from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih at advantageous prices.
- Built-in water filters with quality guarantee from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Water ionizers for home and office from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Whole house water purification with guarantee from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.
- Hydrofilters for water from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih with a large operating resource.
- Water drainage systems for bars and restaurants from aQua Perfectum Company - Kryvyi Rih.

Company information

Company aQua Perfectum - Kryvyi Rih is a leading company specializing in water purification and supply services. Founded with the aim of providing the residents of Kryvyi Rih with quality and clean water, aQua Perfectum has already become a well-known brand in this field.

Company aQua Perfectum - Kryvyi Rih is a large and reliable supplier of water supply and water filtration systems. Our company offers a wide range of products that meet the highest quality standards. We work only with the best equipment and materials suppliers to ensure the best results for our clients.

One of the key advantages of company aQua Perfectum - Kryvyi Rih is an individual approach to each client. Our specialists are always ready to provide consultations and assistance in choosing the optimal water purification system. We understand the importance of having access to clean water, so we work quickly and efficiently to meet the needs of every client.

Company aQua Perfectum - Kryvyi Rih aims to achieve high results in the field of water purification, constantly improving its technologies and introducing new innovations. We are proud of our achievements and always ready to support the cleanliness and health of our clients. Choose aQua Perfectum - Kryvyi Rih, choose quality and reliability in every drop of water.

Activities of KVED


aQua Perfectum, water treatment, water purification, water filtration, water supply system maintenance, reverse osmosis, drinking water purification, water purification system installation, plumbing service, aQua Perfectum - Kryvyi Rih.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU35005353
Pereverziev Serhii Valeriiovych
Registration date20.04.2007
Update date03.11.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «AKVA PERFEKTUM, LLC» assigned a code 35005353.

Head of the company «AKVA PERFEKTUM, LLC» is Pereverziev Serhii Valeriiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «AKVA PERFEKTUM, LLC» — Dnipropetrovska obl., m. Kryvyi Rih, vul. Bykova, 12.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «AKVA PERFEKTUM, LLC» official site: http://aquaperfectum.com/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
50036, Dnipropetrovska obl., m. Kryvyi Rih, vul. Bykova, 12
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