Actual address
79037, m. Lviv, vul. Chyhyrynska, 42
Legal address
79059, m. Lviv, vul. Lenona, 39, k. 2

Products, services

Promimens Ltd. (partner of the Imago company) sells the Greek film, materials and accessories to the greenhouses.
In our assortment:
- multi-season high-quality film for covering greenhouses of the Greek manufacturer ”Plastika Kritis”;
- Special film for heat storage (thermal shield)
- specialized film for mulching; strawberries; chrysanthemums; mushrooms; nurseries;
- grids for shading; against the hail, wind and birds; masking for the fence;
- mounting systems for single / double film and mesh;
- system of blowing of double film;
- a hose for heating the water in the soil at the level of the roots of plants, in the air, on the basis of the German manufacturer;
- elements to the structure of ventilation in greenhouses; electric and manual drives for opening a photocopier;
- Scotch for repair of film and glass (stabilized);
- other equipment.
We also offer film hollow constructions of different type and size for any kind of crops from the manufacturer.

Company information

Promimens Ltd. (partner of the Imago company) sells the Greek film, materials and accessories to the greenhouses.
In our assortment:
- multi-season high-quality film for covering greenhouses of the Greek manufacturer ”Plastika Kritis”;
- Special film for heat storage (thermal shield)
- specialized film for mulching; strawberries; chrysanthemums; mushrooms; nurseries;
- grids for shading; against the hail, wind and birds; masking for the fence;
- mounting systems for single / double film and mesh;
- system of blowing of double film;
- a hose for heating the water in the soil at the level of the roots of plants, in the air, on the basis of the German manufacturer;
- elements to the structure of ventilation in greenhouses; electric and manual drives for opening a photocopier;
- Scotch for repair of film and glass (stabilized);
- other equipment.
We also offer film hollow constructions of different type and size for any kind of crops from the manufacturer.

Activities of KVED


Greenhouse Film
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU37879505
Dubas Yurii Volodymyrovych
Fedorovych Liudmyla Yaroslavivna
Number of employees5 чел.
Registration date15.09.2011
Update date27.06.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «PROMITTENS, LLC» assigned a code 37879505.

Head of the company «PROMITTENS, LLC» is Dubas Yurii Volodymyrovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «PROMITTENS, LLC» — m. Lviv, vul. Lenona, 39, k. 2.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «PROMITTENS, LLC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Actual address
79037, m. Lviv, vul. Chyhyrynska, 42
Legal address
79059, m. Lviv, vul. Lenona, 39, k. 2
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