Legal address
61100, m. Kharkiv, Sadovyi proizd, 15, korp. 2, kimnata 14

Products, services

- Innovative laser systems for cutting metal sheets
- Laser cutting and bending of aluminum sheets in Kharkiv
- Functional laser devices for metal processing
- Professional laser pipe cutting in Kharkiv
- Optimal solutions for laser metal cutting from Flowpro
- High-quality custom laser metal bending
- Laser cutting of metal tubes with high precision
- Modern technologies for metal welding
- Individual approach to metal perforation in Kharkiv
- Flexible equipment selection system for laser cutting
- Professional production of products using laser technology
- Laser cutting and bending of metal sheets on demand
- Wide selection of materials for laser metal cutting in Kharkiv
- Laser cutting and bending of aluminum tubes with high precision
- Personalized approach to laser metal bending
- Professional metal processing using welding processes
- Individual laser metal perforation tailored to customer needs
- Laser systems for cutting and processing metal in Kharkiv
- Precision laser cutting and bending of metal structures
- Innovative solutions for laser cutting and bending of aluminum sheets

Company information

The company ”Flowpro laser systems” is a leader in the market of Kharkiv in the field of laser cutting of metal sheets and pipes. We specialize in using the latest technologies to implement your projects with great precision and efficiency.

Our company offers a wide range of services, including laser cutting and bending of sheet metal. We have high-precision laser systems that allow us to cut even the most complex shapes without damaging the material. In addition, we perform laser cutting and bending of pipes, which allows us to meet the needs of even the most demanding clients.

In our company, you can also order services for laser metal bending, metal welding, and perforation. We only work with high-quality materials and use the most modern equipment, ensuring you flawless results.

Our professionals with vast experience are ready to take on any task and ensure the quality execution of work in the shortest terms. We are always open to cooperation and ready to meet even the most demanding requests of clients. Choose ”Flowpro laser systems” - choose reliability and quality in every detail of your project.

Activities of KVED


laser cutting of metal, metal bending in Kharkiv, pipe cutting, metal bending, metal welding, metal perforation in Kharkiv, laser processing, metalworking, industrial production, metal processing
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU38880155
Chepik Viacheslav Ihorovych
Number of employees1 чел.
Registration date31.10.2013
Update date26.05.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «FLOUPRO, LLC» assigned a code 38880155.

Head of the company «FLOUPRO, LLC» is Chepik Viacheslav Ihorovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «FLOUPRO, LLC» — m. Kharkiv, Sadovyi proizd, 15, korp. 2, kimnata 14.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «FLOUPRO, LLC» official site: https://flowpro.com.ua/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
61100, m. Kharkiv, Sadovyi proizd, 15, korp. 2, kimnata 14
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