Legal address
02125, m. Kyiv, prosp. Vyzvolyteliv, 3, k. 33

Products, services

- Sale and rental of luxury apartments in Kyiv
- Repair and reconstruction of residential real estate using the latest technologies
- Management of commercial and residential real estate in Kyiv
- Real estate consulting and appraisal services for sale or rent
- Apartment search based on individual client criteria
- Legal support for property purchase and rental agreements
- Assistance throughout the process of purchasing or renting apartments
- Development and implementation of interior design concepts for real estate
- Property inspections and virtual tours of residential real estate
- Creation and maintenance of real estate advertising websites for sale or rent
- Promotion of real estate properties to lead the market demand
- Organization of property viewings for potential buyers or renters
- Individual selection of real estate according to client needs
- High-quality service during real estate transactions in Kyiv
- Documentation and reporting for purchase and rental agreements
- Partnership with leading developers and real estate agencies in Kyiv
- Organization and participation in various events for real estate buyers and sellers
- Client support at all stages of real estate transactions in Kyiv
- Real estate market analysis and recommendations for successful transactions

Company information

The company ”Vestor Estate” is a influential real estate agency in Kyiv, specializing in providing services for renting, selling, and buying luxury apartments in the city center. Thanks to its impeccable experience and expertise, the company consistently ensures high-quality service and satisfaction of even the most demanding clients.

”Vestor Estate” not only helps find the perfect property for rent or purchase, but also offers property renovation and management services. The company has a wide real estate portfolio, providing diverse options for selection and meeting the needs of every client.

One of the key advantages of ”Vestor Estate” is its individual approach to each client, where each deal is based on trust and professionalism. Competent managers are ready to provide consultation and support at every stage of choosing a residence.

The phone number ”+38 (044) 359 06 61” is always available for clients who want to use the company’s services. Calls are answered around the clock to ensure comfort and promptness in resolving any issues.

So, if you are looking for a reliable partner in real estate matters in Kyiv, ”Vestor Estate” is the perfect choice. Trust your plans and desires to professionals with an impeccable reputation and be confident in the successful resolution of your housing issue.

Activities of KVED


Real Estate Agency Kyiv, Apartment Rental Kyiv, Apartment Sales Kyiv, Buy Apartment Kyiv, Luxury Apartments Kyiv, Apartment Renovation Kyiv, Property Management Kyiv, Phone in Kyiv, Contacts Kyiv, Vestor Estate.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU39797681
Almeyda Shon Frensis
Registration date21.05.2015
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «AIM RIELTI KYYIV, LLC» assigned a code 39797681.

Head of the company «AIM RIELTI KYYIV, LLC» is Almeyda Shon Frensis, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «AIM RIELTI KYYIV, LLC» — m. Kyiv, prosp. Vyzvolyteliv, 3, k. 33.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «AIM RIELTI KYYIV, LLC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
02125, m. Kyiv, prosp. Vyzvolyteliv, 3, k. 33
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