Legal address
40030, m. Sumy, vul. Haharina, 9 korp. A, of. 345

Products, services

- Representation and defense in court
- Legal consultation online
- Medical law
- Representation in bankruptcy cases
- Work visa
- Accreditation of foreigners in higher education institutions
- Registration and establishment of LLC
- Support for sports events in Ukraine
- Licensing of types of economic activities
- Legal support of contracts
- Legal protection of the population from unscrupulous developers
- Challenging the actions of tax authorities
- Settlement of disputes
- State registration of real estate
- Tax disputes (court support)
- Legal outsourcing
- Licensing of production of spirits, alcohol, and tobacco products
- Citizen’s assistant defends your rights!
- Legal consultations for public organizations
- Submission of government decisions to the Supreme Court

Please note that the list of products and services is based on data from the website ’’ and sorted by popularity or rating.

Company information

The legal company Legal Support Group, with offices in Kyiv and regions, successfully operates in the legal services market under the name “Main | LS GROUP Legal Company”. The company specializes in providing a wide range of legal services for businesses and individuals, taking into account the latest legislative changes. Their legal experts can solve any legal issue, known and unknown, with immense skills and experience. The company is distinguished by a high reputation among clients and partners due to professionalism, confidentiality, and an individual approach to each client.

The team of experts at LS GROUP offers high-quality support in the field of corporate, tax, civil, and criminal law, as well as intellectual property issues. Clients can rely on the professionalism of the company’s lawyers, who are always ready to provide consultations and assistance in complex situations.

LS GROUP always listens to the needs of clients and offers optimal solutions to achieve their goals and address legal issues. The company has a reputation as a reliable partner in the legal services industry and always adheres to the principles of professionalism and ethics. LS GROUP values the confidentiality of clients’ information and guarantees their security and protection of interests in judicial and non-judicial processes.

GS GROUP Company is a confident choice for those who value quality, reliability, and professionalism in the legal field.

Activities of KVED


Legal Support Group, a law firm based in Kyiv, providing services in office and regions, operates successfully. Main keywords: LS GROUP.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU41502354
Chernenko Dmytro Oleksiiovych
Registration date07.08.2017
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «SUMY, FOOTBALL CLUB, PO» assigned a code 41502354.

Head of the company «SUMY, FOOTBALL CLUB, PO» is Chernenko Dmytro Oleksiiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «SUMY, FOOTBALL CLUB, PO» — m. Sumy, vul. Haharina, 9 korp. A, of. 345.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «SUMY, FOOTBALL CLUB, PO» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
40030, m. Sumy, vul. Haharina, 9 korp. A, of. 345
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