Actual address
08122, Kyivska obl., Buchanskyj r-n, s. Shpytky, prov. Fermeriv 8
Legal address
08141, Kyivska obl., Buchanskyi r-n, s. Sviatopetrivske, vul. Kyivska, 30a

Products, services

We offer:
- heat pump AIK for heating the house 5 kW;
- heat pump AIK for heating the house 8 kW;
- heat pump AIK for heating the house 12 kW;
- comprehensive maintenance of AIK heat pumps;
- automatic control systems for AIK heat pumps;
- heat pump AIK for heating the house 15 kW;
- supply and installation of AIK heat pumps;
- professional design of heating systems using AIK heat pumps;
- automation systems for AIK heat pumps;
- underground heat wells for AIK heat pumps;
- AIK inverter heat pumps for home heating;
- installation and commissioning of AIK heat pumps;
- integration of AIK heat pumps into existing heating systems;
- buffer tanks for heating systems with AIK heat pumps;
- heat pump AIK for heating the house 20 kW;
- service maintenance of AIK heat pumps with the possibility of remote monitoring;
- selection and selection of the optimal AIK heat pump for your home;
- systems using geothermal energy for AIK heat pumps;
- an individual approach to each client when choosing an AIK heat pump;
- installation of AIK heat pumps in new buildings and existing houses.

Company information

Company AIK is known as a leading supplier of heat pumps for heating houses in Ukraine. Their products are distinguished by high quality, efficiency, and affordable prices. Buying an AIK heat pump means ensuring reliable and economical heating that will help save on utility bills.

Why AIK? The company provides guarantees of the quality of its products, allowing customers to be confident in the reliability of the purchased equipment. In addition, AIK offers a full range of services - design, installation, and service maintenance of heat pumps. The company delivers goods everywhere in Ukraine, including in the city of Kyiv.

AIK heat pumps are not only modern heating technologies, but also a beneficial investment in the comfort of your home. They operate based on renewable energy sources, making them environmentally friendly and economical solutions.

Thanks to the experience and professionalism of the AIK team, customers receive a comprehensive approach to meeting their heating needs. The company is always ready to provide consultations, assess optimal options for your home, and ensure quality equipment installation.

So, choose AIK heat pumps for your home - reliable, efficient, and environmentally friendly heating at affordable prices. Trust the professionals, and you will get the best solution for your life. Don’t waste time, contact AIK company today!

Activities of KVED


aik heat pumps, home heating, buy a heat pump
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU42406508
Kysliakovskyi Viktor Anatoliiovych — director
Registration date21.08.2018
Update date19.04.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «AIK SERVICE, LLC» assigned a code 42406508.

Head of the company «AIK SERVICE, LLC» is Kysliakovskyi Viktor Anatoliiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «AIK SERVICE, LLC» — Kyivska obl., Buchanskyi r-n, s. Sviatopetrivske, vul. Kyivska, 30a.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «AIK SERVICE, LLC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Actual address
08122, Kyivska obl., Buchanskyj r-n, s. Shpytky, prov. Fermeriv 8
Legal address
08141, Kyivska obl., Buchanskyi r-n, s. Sviatopetrivske, vul. Kyivska, 30a
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