Legal address
49000, m. Dnipro, prosp. Yavornytskoho, 113, k. 8

Products, services

We are the law firm Dynasty providing a wide range of legal services to companies and individuals since the year 2000. We are among the top 50 law firms in Ukraine. We work with Ukrainian businesses, provide consulting services to clients from Austria, Germany, Italy, the USA, and Israel.

- Legal consultation on taxes and taxation
- Representation in civil disputes in court
- Business registration and legal entity support
- Audit of contractual relations and development of agreements
- Legal support for international operations and investments
- Corporate law and licensing of activities
- Drafting and reviewing commercial contracts
- Consumer rights protection and dispute resolution with suppliers
- Representation in arbitration courts
- Legal assistance in intellectual property matters
- Inheritance and property succession
- Legal support in business liquidation
- Negotiations with counterparts and resolution of corporate conflicts
- Legal assistance in arranging medical services and licenses
- Filing appeals and support in the legal process
- Legal assistance in real estate and construction
- Registration and protection of trademarks and trade marks
- Legal outsourcing for enterprises and organizations
- Legal consultation in international law

This list is based on the website https://dynasty.legal/ of the company Law firm Dynasty .

Company information

Legal firm Dynasty is a leading company in the provision of legal services in the Ukrainian market, successfully working with both companies and individuals since the beginning of the year 2000. Our professional team ensures a professional approach to each case, taking care of clients’ interests in all areas of law.

We take pride in being in the TOP-50 legal companies in Ukraine for many years due to the high quality of services provided and reliability for our clients. We specialize in cooperation with Ukrainian businesses and also provide consultations and legal support to clients from Austria, Germany, Italy, the USA, Israel, and other countries.

Our goal is to provide clients with high-quality services, simplify and help resolve legal issues, ensuring their successful activities and protecting their rights and interests. We closely monitor all changes in legislation to always be up-to-date on the latest trends and provide relevant solutions.

Our company is known for its individual approach to each client, the professionalism of our lawyers, and the high efficiency in resolving legal issues. Dynasty is not just a legal company but a reliable partner in matters and protecting the rights of clients in any life situations.

Activities of KVED


law firm Dynasty , legal spectrum, legal services, Ukrainian business, client consultations, TOP-50 companies, legal experience, international contacts, competence of lawyers, individual approach.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU42845242
Kokhliakov Viacheslav Stanislavovych
Registration date26.02.2019
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «DYNASTIYA, OFIS PERSONALNOHO OBSLUHOVUVANNYA ADVOKATSKOYI FIRMY, ADVOKATSKE OBYEDNANNYA» assigned a code 42845242.

Head of the company «DYNASTIYA, OFIS PERSONALNOHO OBSLUHOVUVANNYA ADVOKATSKOYI FIRMY, ADVOKATSKE OBYEDNANNYA» is Kokhliakov Viacheslav Stanislavovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «DYNASTIYA, OFIS PERSONALNOHO OBSLUHOVUVANNYA ADVOKATSKOYI FIRMY, ADVOKATSKE OBYEDNANNYA» — m. Dnipro, prosp. Yavornytskoho, 113, k. 8.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «DYNASTIYA, OFIS PERSONALNOHO OBSLUHOVUVANNYA ADVOKATSKOYI FIRMY, ADVOKATSKE OBYEDNANNYA» official site: https://dynasty.legal/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
49000, m. Dnipro, prosp. Yavornytskoho, 113, k. 8
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