Legal address
49055, m. Dnipro, vul. Budivelnykiv, 34

Products, services

- Unique label design using HTML codes
- Innovative Meta-information solutions for product packaging
- Assortment of labels for temporarily unavailable products
- Creative packaging options for products that require individual approach
- Exclusive labels for unique products
- Creative packaging concept development services
- Personalized labels for corporate orders
- Effective packaging solutions for conditionally unavailable goods
- Branded packages for attractive product presentation
- Craft labels with additional HTML elements
- Individual selection of packaging materials
- Labels for products temporarily absent from the market
- Unique visual solutions for product packaging
- Labels with interactive Meta-information functions
- Packaging for steaks and sausages with universal HTML elements
- Exclusive labels for temporarily unavailable products
- Packaging using HTML technologies for food products
- Labels for products temporarily unavailable on the market
- Individual means of applying Meta-information to packaging
- Labels for products whose demand is temporarily unsatisfied.

Company information

Marzek etiketten+packaging is a company specializing in the production and supply of interesting and high-quality packaging and labels for various products. Marzek etiketten+packaging offers a wide range of packaging and labels that meet the highest standards of quality and design.

One of the main principles of Marzek etiketten+packaging is innovation. The company constantly improves its technologies, using the latest advances in packaging and printing. As a result, Marzek etiketten+packaging products always meet the most modern requirements and customer needs.

The Marzek etiketten+packaging website is developed using HTML and Meta-Informationen, allowing users to easily find the necessary information and explore the product range. Although some pages of the website may be temporarily unavailable due to technical work or updates, the Marzek etiketten+packaging team is always working to improve its online resources.

The main goal of the company is to meet the needs of customers, therefore, Marzek etiketten+packaging provides an individual approach to each client, helping them choose the optimal solution for their products. Thanks to professionalism and extensive experience in the packaging industry, Marzek etiketten+packaging is rightly considered one of the market leaders.

In summary, Marzek etiketten+packaging is a modern company offering innovative solutions in the production of packaging and labels. Despite the temporary unavailability of some website features used for online work, Marzek etiketten+packaging continues to evolve and meet the needs of its customers.

Activities of KVED


Marzek etiketten + packaging is a company specializing in the production of labels and packaging using HTML, Meta-Informationen, and other innovative technologies. Currently, the website is temporarily unavailable to visitors, but the company remains a leader in its field.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU43068690
Vyshniak Ihor Fedorovych
Registration date20.06.2019
Update date07.11.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «MARZEK DNIPROPACK, LLC» assigned a code 43068690.

Head of the company «MARZEK DNIPROPACK, LLC» is Vyshniak Ihor Fedorovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «MARZEK DNIPROPACK, LLC» — m. Dnipro, vul. Budivelnykiv, 34.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «MARZEK DNIPROPACK, LLC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
49055, m. Dnipro, vul. Budivelnykiv, 34
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