Legal address
40024, m. Sumy, vul. Kharkivska, 43

Products, services

translations from Ukrainian to English text:
- SITV - High-speed Internet. Digital television.
- SITV, digital TV, television, high-speed Internet, broadband, ADSL traffic.
- Digital TV SITV - modern television and entertainment.
- SITV - a provider of telecommunications and high-speed Internet.
- Digital television SITV - access to sources of information and entertainment.
- SITV - broadband access to digital television.
- Digital decoder for SITV content and channels.
- Support for SITV subscribers and contract signing.
- Fast and reliable connection to digital television SITV.
- Digital television SITV - modern and popular TV programs.
- High-speed and reliable home Internet from SITV.
- SITV - access to digital television in Ukraine and abroad.
- Installation and maintenance of antenna systems for digital television from SITV.
- Digital television SITV - bandwidth and connection quality.
- SITV - access to digital channels and high-speed Internet.
- Digital television module for receiving signals from SITV.
- SITV - internet television with free access.
- Competitive rates for Internet and digital television from SITV.
- DVB-C receivers for viewing digital television from SITV.
- SITV - reliable Internet provider with affordable prices.

Company information

SITV - Sumy Interactive Television - is a provider of high-quality services specializing in high-speed Internet and digital television. The company offers subscribers a wide range of services, from network connection to providing modern content and support.

SITV provides its clients with the opportunity to enjoy high-speed Internet through a cable modem with broadband access for convenient and reliable communications. In addition, digital television is one of the most advanced technologies in the field of telecommunications, providing the ability to watch digital channels and programs in high definition.

The company operates both internal and external networks throughout Ukraine, including in the city of Sumy. It has an extensive infrastructure that ensures reliable access to the Internet and digital television for its subscribers.

When connecting to SITV services, clients can expect professional support and continuous access to their favorite TV programs and online entertainment. The digital decoder allows to set up TV channels conveniently and quickly, while a variety of content offers unforgettable entertainment moments for the whole family.

SITV is modern television and Internet services designed to provide reliable communication and the best entertainment experience for its subscribers. Join SITV and get access to high-speed Internet and digital television at favorable rates.

Activities of KVED


SITV, modern television, high-speed Internet, digital television, cable modem, broadband access, digital decoder, TV program, subscriber, contract, communications, home Internet, free Internet, cheap Internet, Internet price, connection, support, TV channel, network, Sumy, Internet provider, digital TV module, DVB-C, digital television tuners, Internet tariffs.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU43154585
Perov Andrii Oleksandrovych
Registration date06.08.2019
Update date07.11.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «SITB PREMIUM, LLC» assigned a code 43154585.

Head of the company «SITB PREMIUM, LLC» is Perov Andrii Oleksandrovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «SITB PREMIUM, LLC» — m. Sumy, vul. Kharkivska, 43.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «SITB PREMIUM, LLC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
40024, m. Sumy, vul. Kharkivska, 43
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