Legal address
04080, m. Kyiv, vul. Khvoiky, 21, of. 1340

Products, services

- Seasonal appetizers and canapés
- Elite Swedish table with seafood
- Steaks and grill menu for every taste
- Exclusive dessert table with mini cakes
- Assortment of sushi and rolls sets
- Bar with a variety of cocktails and alcoholic beverages
- Show bartenders and cocktail shows for guest entertainment
- Tasting area with wine pyramids
- Coffee station with baristas and freshly roasted coffee
- Candy fountains and chocolate sculptures
- Culinary masterclasses for active guests
- Tasting of exotic dishes from around the world
- Pressed juices and fruit cocktails
- Exclusive castings for selecting staff
- Event decoration in various stylistic directions
- Professional service and consultation from staff
- Individual approach to each client and creation of unique concepts
- Corporate events and business lunches
- Themed parties and fashion shows with gourmet accompaniment
- Exclusive service and individual selection of buffet tables

Company information

”Живот-кейтерінг” is a company that offers gastronomic support for events in Kyiv, where every guest gets an unforgettable culinary experience. Our firm is known for its modern and delicious food that always impresses even the most demanding clients.

We offer a full range of services, including furniture, decor, and tableware rental, as well as qualified and attentive staff who are always focused on creating an atmosphere of a true gastronomic feast. Our events are remembered as perfectly organized and professionally conducted in all formats - from elegant banquets to fashionable receptions.

”Живот-кейтерінг” is considered a leader in event catering in Kyiv, offering the highest level of service and impeccable quality of dishes for your unique events. We specialize in event catering and culinary concepts, making each event a memorable and interactive show for your gastronomic pleasure.

If you are looking for the best catering in Kyiv, turn to ”Живот-кейтерінг”. We will create a unique gastronomic celebration for you that will leave your guests in awe. Entrust us with your biggest events, and we will make every effort to make them unforgettable and delicious.

Activities of KVED


Gastronomic support of events, Modern delicious food, Furniture, decor, tableware and staff, Tasty events in all formats, Kyiv catering, Event service, Tasty events in Kyiv, Zhyvot - professional catering, Gastronomic catering in Kyiv.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU43816673
Chazov Serhii Oleksandrovych
Registration date14.09.2020
Update date17.10.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «ZHIVOT CATERING SERVICE, LLC» assigned a code 43816673.

Head of the company «ZHIVOT CATERING SERVICE, LLC» is Chazov Serhii Oleksandrovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «ZHIVOT CATERING SERVICE, LLC» — m. Kyiv, vul. Khvoiky, 21, of. 1340.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «ZHIVOT CATERING SERVICE, LLC» official site: http://zhivot.kiev.ua/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
04080, m. Kyiv, vul. Khvoiky, 21, of. 1340
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