Legal address
67660, Odeska obl., Biliaivskyi r-n, silrada Kholodnobalkivska, sadove tovarystvo ”Svitanok” , 14

Products, services

- Professional consultation from a psychology expert
- Individual and group approach in rehabilitation
- Psychotherapeutic techniques to support patients
- Immediate assistance in crisis situations
- Abstinence syndrome reduction under medical supervision
- Systematic rehabilitation approach considering age and individual characteristics
- Support for family members of dependent individuals during the rehabilitation process
- Comprehensive analysis of reasons for alcohol and drug abuse
- Restoration of physical and mental health through an integrated approach
- Development of self-control and self-discipline skills
- Innovative treatment and rehabilitation methods
- Expert assessment of patient’s condition upon admission
- Planning and development of individual treatment programs
- Intensive training of social skills for successful reintegration into society
- Creating a favorable healing and recovery atmosphere
- Continuous support in the rehabilitation process after leaving the center
- Communication with the client at all stages of treatment and beyond
- Outcome-oriented approach to each unique situation
- Informational support for relatives during the rehabilitation process
- Participation in group sessions and alternative programs at the client’s request

Company information

NoMore - Rehabilitation Center in Odessa is a modern facility that provides fast and anonymous assistance to individuals in need of treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. The company offers an individual approach to each client, where qualified medical staff provides a comprehensive approach to the issue of addiction.

The NoMore Rehabilitation Center in Odessa offers effective treatment methods, including psychotherapy, group sessions, rehabilitation programs, and support aimed at returning the client to a healthy lifestyle. Each program is individually designed to meet the client’s needs and desires in order to achieve the best results.

Our Rehabilitation Center in Odessa also provides consultations and support to families and loved ones who support the client in the recovery process. We understand the importance of support and understanding during this difficult period, so we work to create a supportive and caring atmosphere for everyone.

By reaching out to NoMore, you have the opportunity to receive assistance at any time, as our doctors are always available and ready to provide necessary help. You can contact us at ☎️ +38 050 101 33 77 to receive consultation or schedule an appointment.

NoMore is not just a rehabilitation center, but a place where every individual will receive support, understanding, and the opportunity to start a new life free from addiction. Our goal is to help each client find a way out of a difficult situation and return to a fulfilling life.

Activities of KVED


Rehabilitation Center in Odesa , Anonymous Help , Treatment of Alcoholism , Treatment of Drug Addiction , Emergency Assistance , Page in Odesa , Contact Phone Number , Help in Odesa , Rehabilitation without Overload , Kyiv Region
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU43923860
Zakharov Oleksii Yuriiovych
Registration date26.02.2021
Update date17.10.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «NO MOR, CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, СО» assigned a code 43923860.

Head of the company «NO MOR, CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, СО» is Zakharov Oleksii Yuriiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «NO MOR, CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, СО» — Odeska obl., Biliaivskyi r-n, silrada Kholodnobalkivska, sadove tovarystvo ”Svitanok” , 14.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «NO MOR, CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, СО» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
67660, Odeska obl., Biliaivskyi r-n, silrada Kholodnobalkivska, sadove tovarystvo ”Svitanok” , 14
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