Legal address
14030, m. Chernihiv, vul. Vsikhsviatska, 6, k. 111

Products, services

- Electric cables and wires of various types and categories
- Automation for electrical networks and switchboards
- Measuring instruments for monitoring the electrical grid
- Electric motors of various power and torque
- LED lighting for industrial facilities and office spaces
- Batteries for general and special purposes
- Relays and contactors for controlling electromechanical processes
- Electrical equipment for automation and control
- Electric control panels and distribution boards
- High and low-level devices for switchboards
- Electric heating elements and systems
- Consumables for electrical engineering
- Tools and equipment for installation and repair of electrical systems
- Electric motors for various industrial equipment
- Automated control and dispatch systems for electrical networks
- Components for electrical panels and switchboards
- Additional equipment for electrical systems
- Transformers and voltage stabilizers
- Components and devices for uninterruptible power supply systems
- Ultra-modern distribution devices and switches

Company information

The company ”VOLTAGE” is known for its wide range of electrical products that meet the needs of even the most demanding clients. The catalog of electrical products from ”VOLTAGE” includes a large number of items designed for various fields of use. The company offers its customers a wide selection of high-quality products at affordable prices.

In the assortment of ”VOLTAGE,” one can find various electrical products that meet all modern requirements and standards. From wiring and sockets to a variety of switches and automation - all of this can be found in the company’s catalog.

The team of professionals at ”VOLTAGE” is always ready to help in selecting the necessary products and provide advice on the selection and installation of electrical products. Additionally, the company guarantees the quality of its products and fast delivery to customers.

The high reputation of the company ”VOLTAGE” in the electrical products market speaks to the reliability and professionalism of the team. By purchasing products from ”VOLTAGE,” customers can be confident in their quality and reliability.

Therefore, if you need reliable and high-quality electrical products, be sure to contact the company ”VOLTAGE” and take advantage of the wide range of products they offer. You will undoubtedly be satisfied with doing business with this company.

Activities of KVED


electrotechnical products, catalog of electrotechnical products, diverse range, products from VOLTAGE, search for electrical equipment, electrical goods, buy electric tools, assembly electrical engineering, high-quality electrical fittings, energy-saving electrical equipment.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU44099447
Nikolaienko Yurii Mykolaiovych
Registration date10.02.2021
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «VOLTAZHKOM LTD, LLC» assigned a code 44099447.

Head of the company «VOLTAZHKOM LTD, LLC» is Nikolaienko Yurii Mykolaiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «VOLTAZHKOM LTD, LLC» — m. Chernihiv, vul. Vsikhsviatska, 6, k. 111.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «VOLTAZHKOM LTD, LLC» official site: http://voltage.com.ua/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
14030, m. Chernihiv, vul. Vsikhsviatska, 6, k. 111
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