Legal address
61099, m. Kharkiv, prosp. Haharina, 1

Products, services

Mobile applications for business management
Consultations on business strategy
Competitor and market analysis
Advertising campaign on social media
Personal brand development for entrepreneurs
Corporate personnel management training
Website SEO optimization
Copywriting and content strategy
Photo and video shooting for promotion
UX/UI design development
E-commerce and payment systems
Digital marketing audit
Internet marketing and advertising
Logo and branding development
Consultations on investments and finances
Business process optimization and automation
Customer interaction strategy development
Google AdWords advertising campaign
Development of a mobile application for business

Company information

The company ”Broqerly Ukraine” is an innovative enterprise specializing in providing services in the field of e-commerce and online business. The company offers a wide range of solutions for businesses of any scale, helping them develop their business projects and grow in the market. ”Broqerly Ukraine” reserves the most advanced technologies and tools for its clients, providing them with the opportunity to effectively compete in the dynamic online trading environment.

With its experience and professionalism, the team of ”Broqerly Ukraine” is able to create unique business development strategies for each client, taking into account their needs and goals. Our approach is based on an individualized approach to each project, allowing us to achieve high results and satisfy even the most demanding clients.

The company ”Broqerly Ukraine” strives to combine the best practices and innovations in its activities to provide clients with the most efficient and advanced solutions. We understand the importance of every detail in creating a successful online business and are ready to help you with that.

”Broqerly Ukraine” is not just a company, it is a reliable partner that is always on your side and ready to help you reach new heights in the field of e-commerce. Our goal is your success, and our possibilities are limitless. Entrust your business to the professionals from ”Broqerly Ukraine” and receive quality service and support that will help you realize all your ideas and achieve your goals.

Activities of KVED


Technological solutions, Innovative approach, Effective advertising, Creative marketing strategies, Information security, Professional consulting, Market research, Comprehensive servicing, Business analytics, Accurate risk assessments.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU44355172
Mitina Olena Petrivna
Registration date14.05.2021
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «BROKERLI UKRAYINA, LLC» assigned a code 44355172.

Head of the company «BROKERLI UKRAYINA, LLC» is Mitina Olena Petrivna, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «BROKERLI UKRAYINA, LLC» — m. Kharkiv, prosp. Haharina, 1.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «BROKERLI UKRAYINA, LLC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
61099, m. Kharkiv, prosp. Haharina, 1
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