04053, m. Kyiv, uzviz Voznesenskyi, 23v, of. 14

Products, services

Order services:
- general logistics and cargo services;
- customs clearance and consulting;
- export-import operations with Europe;
- international transportation by road and sea;
- cargo consolidation;
- temporary storage of goods;
- letters of credit and financial guarantees for foreign economic activity;
- consultations on the international market;
- organization and conduct of tender procedures;
- cooperation with international mediators;
- cargo and liability insurance;
- full service and support in conducting export-import operations;
- international customs clearance;
- technical control of the quality of goods;
- resolution of conflict situations at the stage of trade;
- cooperation with logistics companies around the world;
- monitoring and analysis of international trends in the field of foreign economic activity;
- visa support for traveling abroad;
- participation in international exhibitions and webinars;
- individual solutions for clients from various business sectors.

Company information

Delta International Services (DIS) is a leading provider of international trade services focused on quality, security and efficient solutions for its customers. DIS is known for its reliability and professionalism in the field of foreign economic activity, providing a wide range of services, including export and import agreements, customs clearance, logistics and consulting.

The company strives to provide prompt, but at the same time high-quality solutions to its clients, offering an individual approach to each project. The company has extensive experience in conducting successful trade operations taking into account all the requirements of the modern market. An important priority of the company is to ensure the safety of all transport and logistics processes, which guarantees the reliability of the delivery of goods to customers around the world.

DIS has in its arsenal highly qualified specialists with a deep understanding of international standards and requirements for foreign economic activity. Each client can count on an individual approach, personal contact and prompt support from DIS specialists.

By turning to Delta International Services, you get a reliable partner for the development of your business on the international market. Quality of service, security of transactions and effective solutions - these are the three pillars on which the activities of the DIS company are based. Entrust your international trade operations to the professionals at Delta International Services, and you will get a result that will exceed your expectations.

Activities of KVED

Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU44436557
Taslitskyi Herman Ihorovych — director
Registration date19.10.2021
Update date25.04.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «DELTA INTERNATIONAL LAW, LAW ASSOCIATION» assigned a code 44436557.

Head of the company «DELTA INTERNATIONAL LAW, LAW ASSOCIATION» is Taslitskyi Herman Ihorovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «DELTA INTERNATIONAL LAW, LAW ASSOCIATION» — m. Kyiv, uzviz Voznesenskyi, 23v, of. 14.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «DELTA INTERNATIONAL LAW, LAW ASSOCIATION» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
04053, m. Kyiv, uzviz Voznesenskyi, 23v, of. 14
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