Legal address
01133, m. Kyiv, bulvar Lesi Ukrainky, 28, k. 318

Products, services

Luxury hall for weddings, anniversaries, and other festive events.
Unique acoustic hall for music concerts and exhibitions.
Modern conference rooms with projectors and audio equipment.
Exclusive business center for meetings and negotiations.
Elegant banquet halls for banquets and banquet services.
Professional catering and event services of any complexity.
Rental of exclusive locations for photo shoots and video reports.
Branded decor and designer equipment for events.
Organization of corporate events and themed parties.
Team building and training using interactive techniques.
Development and implementation of individual event concepts.
Exclusive night disco for parties and themed evenings.
Service and technical support during events.
Professional photo and video shooting at events.
Elite atmosphere and comfort in every detail of the event.
Collaboration with leading artists and musicians for performances.
Individual approach to each client and event participant.
Exclusive access to business services, personal services, and additional services.
High level of security and confidentiality of events at Signal Event Hall.

Company information

Translation from Ukrainian to English:
Signal Main Signal is the perfect place to host any event in the center of Kyiv. Event Hall Signal offers a multifunctional space that is ideal for conferences, seminars, trainings, and presentations.

This unique hall can accommodate a variety of events, from small business meetings to large-scale exhibitions. The venue is spacious and convenient, creating an atmosphere conducive to productive work and communication.

Signal Main Signal provides all the necessary technical capabilities for organizing high-level events, including multimedia equipment, audio and video recording, interpreters, and more. The team of professionals is always on hand, ready to assist in organizing and conducting events at a high level.

In addition, Event Hall Signal offers a variety of catering options to satisfy even the most discerning guests. The excellent location just a few minutes from the city center makes Signal Main Signal the perfect choice for organizing events of any size and format.

With its impeccable service and unique atmosphere, Signal Main Signal is the best choice for those who value comfort, professionalism, and an individual approach to each client.

Activities of KVED


Signal Event Hall, multifunctional space, conferences, seminars, trainings, presentations, Signal Main, event hall, center of Kyiv, event hosting.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU44554164
Nikitonok Kostiantyn Hryhorovych
Registration date04.10.2021
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «EVENT HALL SIGNAL, LLC» assigned a code 44554164.

Head of the company «EVENT HALL SIGNAL, LLC» is Nikitonok Kostiantyn Hryhorovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «EVENT HALL SIGNAL, LLC» — m. Kyiv, bulvar Lesi Ukrainky, 28, k. 318.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «EVENT HALL SIGNAL, LLC» official site: https://signal-hall.com.ua/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
01133, m. Kyiv, bulvar Lesi Ukrainky, 28, k. 318
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