Legal address
36002, m. Poltava, vul. Pchilky, 52, k. 71

Products, services

Official attributes of the PF Sergiy Prytula
T-shirts with unique prints on positive attitudes
Organizing charity events and volunteer projects
Supporting the development of children’s and youth initiatives
Magical holiday gifts for children from orphanages
Fundraising for the treatment of sick children
Motivational lectures for children in orphanages
”Friends for Every Day” program for socially vulnerable children
Sports training for children with disabilities
Organizing cultural and artistic events for children from families in difficult life circumstances
Assistance in organizing and providing children and youth with sports equipment
Creating rehabilitation programs for children with disabilities
Information support for parents in raising children with specific needs
Educational courses and workshops for children under the foundation’s care
Organizing camps and sessions for children from large families
Creative competitions for teenagers with depressive disorders
Supporting families left without care in difficult times
One-time assistance to orphans and homeless children
Tools for the most effective self-development for teenagers
Assistance in employing graduates of orphanages.

Company information

The charitable foundation of Serhiy Prytula is immediate assistance and hope for those who find themselves in difficult situations. This organization brings people together around the idea of helping those who truly need it. Their actions and projects prove that when a group of caring individuals come together, they become unbeatable in their good deeds.

The Serhiy Prytula Foundation actively collaborates with various charitable organizations, local institutions, and the public to provide effective assistance in Ukraine. Their programs focus on supporting children, the environment, animal welfare, social assistance, and much more.

The uniqueness and openness of the Serhiy Prytula Foundation lie in their ability to find an individual approach to every situation and every person seeking help. They create comprehensive programs aimed at solving specific problems and improving the quality of life for those who need their care.

The charitable foundation of Serhiy Prytula is an example of how volunteers, sponsors, and those in need can achieve incredible results when they come together. They demonstrate that true strength lies in collective efforts and mutual support. Thus, the Serhiy Prytula Foundation continues to make the world a better place for everyone living on this planet.

Activities of KVED


The charitable foundation of Sergiy Prytula, invincible The foundation of Sergiy Prytula, united for good Charitable activity of Sergiy Prytula, solidarity The foundation of Sergiy Prytula, supporting society Charitable contribution of Sergiy Prytula, solidarity Support for the Sergiy Prytula Foundation, cooperation Humanitarian foundation of Sergiy Prytula, compassion Supporting the charitable foundation of Sergiy Prytula, kindness Charitable contribution to the work of the Prytula Foundation, unity The activity of the Sergiy Prytula Foundation, cooperation
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU45011405
Serdiukov Oleksii Oleksandrovych
Registration date18.05.2023
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «BLAHODIYNYY FOND SERHIYA PRYTULY, FILIYA BLAHODIYNOYI ORHANIZATSIYI» assigned a code 45011405.

Head of the company «BLAHODIYNYY FOND SERHIYA PRYTULY, FILIYA BLAHODIYNOYI ORHANIZATSIYI» is Serdiukov Oleksii Oleksandrovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «BLAHODIYNYY FOND SERHIYA PRYTULY, FILIYA BLAHODIYNOYI ORHANIZATSIYI» — m. Poltava, vul. Pchilky, 52, k. 71.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «BLAHODIYNYY FOND SERHIYA PRYTULY, FILIYA BLAHODIYNOYI ORHANIZATSIYI» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
36002, m. Poltava, vul. Pchilky, 52, k. 71
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