Manufacture of wooden containers

Products, services
Піддон дерев’яний Піддон пластиковий Паллетный борт і кришка
Products, services
Laminated plywood for formwork, transport plywood
Products, services
production and sales of new wooden pallets of various types and designs, according to state standards, technical specifications (TU) and customers specifications. Dimensions: 1200h800, 1200h1000, 1200h1200, European standards, facilitated type and others.
Products, services
Sale of pallets Purchase of pallets Container circulation service Production of pallets Production of RUF fuel briquettes Disposal of wood waste
Products, services
Metal / metal: Steel, Beam / Dvutavr, rod, Square, Kruglyak, Sheet steel / ribbed / cut / coated, strip wire, Channel, Shestyhranyk, pipe, pipe
Products, services
Production of wooden containers. Wooden pallets Pallet boards Pressed bracket Elements of wood
  • 35312, Rivnenska obl., Rivnenskyi r-n, smt. Klevan, vul. Robitnycha, 2
  • +38 (067) 3623118
  • 07442, Kyivska obl., Brovarskyi r-n, smt. Velyka Dymerka, vul. Chekhova, 21
  • +38 (097) 7468041
Products, services
Manufacture of wooden containers
Products, services
Manufacture of wooden containers
Products, services
Pallets trees ”Wooden, evropiddony, pallet meter, pallet eased, custom pallet, pallet b / y, rounded wooden board unedged, Eaves.
Products, services
Letting of own property

Total companies: 276
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