Production of printed forms and the provision of other printing services

Products, services
To make a round seal, you must have the original documents with you: 1. Certificate of state registration (for doctors - diploma, certificate from the place of work); 2. For legal entities - certificate of statistics management. For natural persons and doctors - a certificate of personal property. identity code; 3. Passport; 4. In the case when the interests of the subject (legal entity or natural More details
Products, services
We carry out: PRINTING: - plastic cards (gift certificates, discount cards, savings cards, badges, contactless cards) barcode as a gift; - sublimation - printing on cups, puzzles, T-shirts, badges; - screen printing (silk-screen printing), embossing - business cards, invitations, printing on fabric, napkins, paper bags and more; - tampon printing on souvenir and advertising products - pens, lighters More details
Products, services
Corporate Identity Print Design Layout Development of packaging design, label design Design POS-materials Outdoor advertising Web-design Design websites of Web-based stores, corporate portals Design of souvenir production, development and creation of exclusive gifts and souvenirs Advertising photography products, people, interiors and equipment. Photoshoot product. 3D modeling of objects from photographs and drawings
Products, services
Our company can provide the following services: 1. Services deposition method: - Flexo; - Rotopechati (intaglio); - Offset printing. 2. Services for lamination. Application may be made as a single-layer types of packaging and the laminated, multi (duplex, triplex). 3. Production of finished packages: - Doi - pack; - Dvoshovnyy package; - Trohshovnyy package; - Package with perforation; - More details
Products, services
Typorgafia was founded in 2007. Since then, we have established ourselves as a reliable printing company. At your service: Printing methods: copying offset roller printing offset sheet printing risography screen printing digital printing wide format printing Production brochures tags, labels tickets blocks for records forms self-copy forms notebooks booklets badges More details
Products, services
Our products: - buildings; - coils; - veins and cords; - equipment, installation; - lures; - baits, boilies, nozzles; - stands, holders; - fishing furniture and tents; - inventory and tools; - transportation, storage; - winter equipment; - clothes, shoes, equipment; - tourism, camping; - boats and equipment; - Flagman souvenir products.
Products, services
Рекламно-поліграфічна компанія повного циклу: - Виробництво рекламної, сувенірної, текстильної та пакувальної продукції з нуля - починаючи від розробки дизайну і закінчуючи здачею тиражів під ключ. - Друк візиток, друк More details
Products, services
Printing materials Installation of flexoforms on aprons Flexoform cutting Production of photopolymer printing forms Design and pre-press preparation Color test Testing of printing machines Flexible packaging and wallpaper
Products, services
Printing products Stickers Business cards Calendars 2023 Polygraphy for business Books • Brochures • Catalogues POSM - polygraphy Special printing
Products, services
Printing Milling Plumbers Print with protection Facsimile Stamps
Products, services
- seals, stamps, facsimiles, bookplates - business cards - plastic cards - plates, signs - flyers, postcards, calendars, etc. Production of seals, stamps, business cards, plates and other stamped and printing products
Products, services
Packing: offer you: Digital and offset printing - business cards, flyers, brochures, postcards, calendars, letterhead, stickers, and many other useful things; Printing on textiles - flags, avtopraportsi, flags, pennants; DESIGN AND PRINTING SERVICES - order services development model, style or design project experienced designers; WEB DESIGN - a modern web page will be the main element of your More details
Products, services
Online print designer Manufacture of seals and stamps the manufacturing the facsimile making bookplates embossed print security features samoobrony stamps numbering Daters Sealers and plombiratory stigma pen stamp Colorful seals and stamps Print on print
Products, services
Development and manufacture of all types of cardboard packaging. POS materials Carton Cardboard packaging Laminated packaging Gift wrapping Packaging development
Products, services
Printed flexographic printing roll packing tape. Purpose - label and packing products.

Total companies: 366
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