Manufacture of other basic inorganic chemicals

Products, services
”LLC” J. VI AI ”supply and packing of products of industrial chemistry , TOV ” J. VI AI ” The company ” DZH.VI.AY ” since 2008 as a comprehensive provider of products and raw materials for the production of industrial chemicals businesses. Company LLC ” DZH.VІ.AY ” offers a wide range of products of industrial chemicals required in the production of metallurgical , machinery , More details
Products, services
Research and production enterprise "Laboratory of water chemistry" is engaged in the development, production and implementation of new technologies for reagent treatment of water on a domestic and industrial scale.
Products, services
Insulated pipes Plates heat Segments of heat penopoliuretanu Elastic penopoliuretan Thermal insulation of external walls, roofs and attic floors, ceilings. Vikorystannya penopoliuretana in the construction industry. Insulation hangars, warehouses, ovochebaz, holodylnyh and freezers ...
Products, services
Production of basic inorganic chemicals
Products, services
Production of basic inorganic chemicals
Products, services
Production of basic inorganic chemicals
  • 64132, Kharkivska obl., ervomaiskyi r-n, s-shche Chervone Znameno, vul. Polova, 21
  • +38 (095) 3563672

Total companies: 103
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