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Manufacture of other non-ferrous metals

Products, services
Non-specialized wholesale trade
Products, services
Manufacture of other non-ferrous metals
Products, services
Услуги: Поставка брикетів для прямого легування стали / Впровадження технології легування стали
Products, services
MP "Marta" - specializes on trade and wholesale Nonferrous metal and casting alloys based on copper, aluminum, zinc, tin and other elements used in ferrous metallurgy.   Always available, namely copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, tin, solder PIC babbit, lead, zinc, nickel.
Products, services
Pobuzhskiy ferronickel plant is the single enterprise in Ukraine on production of ferronickel.
Products, services
Материалы для наплавки и напыления / Литой карбид вольфрама / Порошки и смеси наплавочные / Прутки наплавочные / Порошковые наплавочные проволоки
Products, services
Production of non-ferrous metals

  • 1
Total companies: 19
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