Production of steam boilers, excluding central heating boilers

Products, services
Sale, installation, maintenance of boilers on gas fuel, solid fuel, on the fulfilled oil. Burners for power and process equipment Sales, repair, service of burners with power from 19 kW to 20,000 kW Unigas, Riello, Lamborghini These are gas, diesel, fuel oil and two-fuel burners designed for all types of hot and steam boilers, as well as ovens, dryers and other technological equipment. Spare parts Dungs, Siemens, Honeywell
Products, services
Production of steam boilers. Turning and milling works Repair of coppers of the E-1,0-0,9 series Flexible pipes for repair of coppers
  • 49055, Cherkaska obl., Umanskyi r-n, m. Monastyryshche, vul. Lenina, 3
  • +38 (093) 3121869
Products, services
Завод производитель: Паровые котлы серии Е, ДЕ, ДКВР: МЗК-8АГ(АЖ)-2(Э), Е-1.0-0.9Г,М,Р-3(Э), Е-1.6-0.9ГМН(Э), Е-2.5-0.9ГМ(Э), Е-2.5-14ГМ(Э), Е-4.0-14ГМ(Э), Е-6.5-14ГМ(Э), Е-10-14ГМ(Э), Е-16-14ГМ(Э),Е-25-14ГМ(Э); водогрейные котлы КСВ, КСВа, ВК, КВГ, ТВГ, НИИСТУ-5: КСВа-0.25(ЭКО), More details
Products, services
Розробка і виробництво малогабаритних пневмогідроагрегатов для різних систем космічної та авіаційної техніки / Розробка і виробництво трубопровідної арматури необхідної для систем забезпечення безпеки АЕС / Розробка More details
Products, services
BOILERS AND BOILER ROOMS Design, reconstruction, modernization, adjustment, installation and technical support - incomplete list of UEChM services POWER PLANTS, TURBINES Qualified specialists of PJSC VTP UKRENERGOCHERMET® (UECHM) will help you to perform design, installation, adjustment, start-up Design, supply of equipment, installation of water treatment complex in the converter shop of More details
Products, services
t offers a Trip to 7 comfortable rooms, equipped according to modern European standards (autonomous heating system with climate control). In five minutes walking distance from the hotel is situated a public transportation stop, ATMs, shops and a gem of our city - the arboretum ”Alexandria.” Bila Church magically combines the features of a modern business city and the cozy provincialism. Hotel ”visit” is an excellent confirmation of this.
Products, services
Hot-water industrial boilers / recovery Boilers / Steam boilers / heating Surface of steam boilers / piping Elements of steam and hot water / boiler Drums and vessels / Manifolds for steam and hot water boilers / Prokopijevic / External cyclones / Vnutren device separation / Hatches, manholes / valves / Flues rectangular and circular cross-section / non-standard equipment for industrial use / shell More details
Products, services
- The turns of the screw. - Sector cone. - Valve DN 1000. - Screw. - Expansion rectangular. - Valve flasher. - Turning cover separator. - The camera body is receiving. - Bush. - Turning snail dredging pumps. - Turning. - Expansion gland and more.
  • 12415, Zhytomyrska obl., Zhytomyrskyi r-n, s. Ivanivka, prov. Shkilnyi, 5
  • +38 (096) 9570230

Total companies: 79
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