Other activities related to waste management

Products, services
Serve more than half a million residents of the city of Dnipropetrovsk.
Products, services
We provide recycling services: 1. medications and their production of waste; 2. medical waste; 3. perfume and cosmetic products and their waste production; 4. fluorescent, energy efficient halogen, germicidal lamps; 5. oily rags, sand, and soil; 6. rubber products, including tires; 7. waste petroleum products, lubricants and oils; 8. exhaust filters; 9. electroplating wastes; 10. used batteries; 11. More details
Products, services
Humanitarian demining in Ukraine involving qualified experts Technical demining with the support of specialized equipment Consultations and training in the field of explosion prevention Working dogs for detecting explosive objects Monitoring work processes in accordance with international standards Deactivation of explosives and mines in selective areas Risk analysis and development of More details
  • 08162, Kyivska obl., Fastivskyi r-n, smt. Chabany, vul. Mashynobudivnykiv, 1b
  • +38 (067) 2824900

Total companies: 151
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