Activities of intermediaries in trade in agricultural raw materials,

Products, services
For meat products: - brine AlmaTex H36 / 2 Inject O; - brine AlmaTex H2 / 12; - brine AlmaTex Ham № 10/30 Bacon Star; - brine AlmaTex №1 / 6; - brine AlmaTex Ham № 9; - natural antimicrobial drug AlmaTex K50 / 2 Natamycin (E235); - antimicrobial drug AlmaTex K50 / 1 Nisin; - flavoring AlmaMit A12 Sausages; - almaMit A9 Doctor’s flavoring and aromatic additive; - complex functional additive AlmaTex K1 S / k maturation accelerator.
Products, services
We offer: - lentils; - mustard seeds; - rapeseed; - mix of bird feed; - chopped peas; - wheat bran; - safflower seeds; - beans; - sainfoin; - flax seeds; - peas; - vika; - canary seeds; - Wheat flour; - barley; - beans; - sorghum; - soybeans; - wheat; - millet; - a sunflower; - oats; - chickpeas; - sunflower oil; - coriander; - walnut; - corn; - pumpkin seeds.
Products, services
-Organizing and conducting exchange trading of agricultural products; -Provide background information on the value of agricultural products; Formation, stock quotes (transfer pricing); -Organizing and conducting auctions; And expert valuation of property (real estate, vehicles, equipment); Assessment moral rights and business; -Audit services.
Products, services
Manufacture of rusks, biscuits, cakes and pastries long-term storage
Products, services
Продукція: Машини і устаткування для харчової промисловості і виготовлення напоїв / Напої / Устаткування і установки для виробництва безалкогольних напоїв і фруктових соків
Products, services
Mediation in trade of agricultural raw materials, live animals, textile raw materials and semi-

Total companies: 912
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